Pouch Test Info

Hello darlin'....I am starting the 5 Day Pouch Test today......I was happy to find the info from you...I had found her 5 day Pouch Test, but not all the rest of the info.....lots of information and I did become a member there....I am sure it will help me get through this...although I am only in the first day and it is pretty easy so far.....
The things that she says makes a lot of sense and at 1.5 yeas out....I have been soooo guilty of the "sliders"....the little crackers, pretzels etc that go down so easy with liquid and as she says become a "slurry" and passes right through the pouch.....but leave a lot of calories in the body....
You can apparently also have soup on her day 1 and day 2..[the kind that you make, but she has good recipes] so I have made one and it tastes really good as I found out after my 3rd protein shake...I was wanting something else.
Thanks to Marc for getting us moving on this....I hope this will re-set my losing point....
Hugs, Marti
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

I did real good until evening....and then I screwed up and now I realize I have to go to a business party tonight that is serving amazing food and drink., we are going out to dinner Friday night and playing cards Saturday night ..... and then there is Easter.....sooooo I weill join you on Monday....that sounds much more doable.
I made the Soup with Tofu, Velveta and deviled ham and it is real good, but it will keep until Monday. Your lentil soup also sounds good.
Let us know how you do.
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"