What's New Wednesday?

Eileen Briesch
on 3/19/08 2:34 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Annette and everyone: Boy, your kitties sure are active. I don't think my three would know what to do with a critter in the house ... well, maybe Diva the huntress. The other two are too lazy. It's another gloomy day here but at least it's not raining or misty like it was yesterday ... that has helped my sinus problems immensely. And my knees ... can you believe it, I'm not complaining about my knee. Yes, it's got twinges of pain, but nothing like it was last week. I believe it was swollen ... when I weighed myself on Friday and saw I had gained eight pounds in a week, I knew that was water retention and that was why my knee was hurting so much. Since being on the diuretic, the knee is better. Go figure. I was telling this to the dental assistant yesterday, and she said she knew someone else who had WLS and had a similar problem with water retention in the legs, from the knees to just above the ankles. Go figure. I wonder why that is. I will have to ask when I go for my checkup in June. I did not have a good night sleeping, however. I did a bad, bad thing. Yesterday, I went to this candy shop to pick up SF candy for my mom for Easter; they always give a bonus and this time it was jelly beans. Well, I should have just brought the jelly beans into the office and left them for my coworkers to eat, but nooooo. I brought them home and proceeded to eat most of the bag (I left the pink and white ones ... don't like them). Then I had sugar shock afterward ... stomach bothered me, I got the sweats. Don't think I'll do that again. I almost never have problems with sugar because I don't eat that much, but last night I overdid it. Bad Eileen!  Well, not much going on today. It'll be a late night because we have a review ("Twelve Angry Men" with Richard Thomas ... remember "John-Boy" of "The Waltons?) to edit. We've got a review Thursday and one Friday also ... but then I'm off for two weeks. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 3/19/08 3:20 am - Wales , MA
Eileen Briesch
on 3/19/08 7:14 am - Evansville, IN
Yeah, well, I eat them too, but last night I ate too much. Sat like a rock in my belly until this morning.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 3/19/08 2:34 am - Manteca, CA
Good Morning All, I'm getting ready for a funeral- my cousin Lizzy died. She was 45 (8 years younger than I) and had a kidney transplant that finally gave up. I'm feeling sad- remembering singing to her and her three older sisters when they were being tucked into bed.  They always had me sing "Over the Rainbow". If I'm strong enough I may sing it to her today. The grief of this week is getting to me. I found out on monday that a close colleague has breast cancer and that the breast cancer is secondary to another cancer- probably ovarian. She has had horrible back problems the last few months and I think that's related too- maybe cancer in her spine. She's 41 with two young children and the sweetest person. So I'm having a cry day. I have one more day at school and then I will have a week off. I have plenty to do to repair the mess that the contractor is leaving. I hope you are all having a relaxing day. Julia
Debi R.
on 3/19/08 3:02 am - CA
Julia, I will be holding your hand in spirit.  Just remember to breath and take care of you.    Hugs Debi
Karen S.
on 3/19/08 3:40 am - Wailuku, HI
Dear sweet Julia, I am so sorry you are so close to loved ones' end of life right now. Sometimes it just seems to be lurking so closely doesn't it, and at other times, death seems like it's not anywhere to be seen or felt. I like those times!!

Hang in there, sweetie..........feel the love coming to you from your OFF family.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Karen S.
on 3/19/08 3:50 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha My OFF family extraordinaire......As usual, I'm LAST IN LINE....and it's only 7:00 a.m.!!

The sun just popped up over our volcano, and it is brilliant! In fact, this is usually the time of day I clean the kitchen counters, and the tile floor, because the sun shows me all the dust, kitty hair and dirt very vividly! Not gonna do it right now though.

Annette...I'm glad all your furbabies are safe. SOunds like they had a decadent night of carnage though. My Poki had her own little adventure last night with a wayward gecko who was driving her insane. If they go up to the ceiling, she yowls in frustration, and climbs as high as she can on anything nearby. This was a FAT gecko...a big guy, and he managed to avoid her salivating teeth! She finally gave up and crashed on the couch in frustration.

Yesterday morning I had a luxurious hour and a half out on the lanai in my bathing suit soaking up the sun while reading and sipping ice water. I'm doing the same this morning.....getting a nice little early tan going that makes me look so much less like the Pillsbury dough boy and more like a gingerbread cookie!! It was hard concentrating on my book though because I kept seeing interesting things out in the ocean........whales playing, wind surfers, turtle heads popping up, snorkelers flags, kayakers, etc. The peacefulness of the scene heals my heart and quiets my worries every time.

I had an appointment with my boss at IMUA at 4:30....to go over computer stuff with testing babies' hearing. She's wonderful, and tells me they are lucky to have me on staff....that was nice to hear. I came home and watched Dancing with the Stars while munching on a ham and cheese roll up (melted), a power packed whole wheat, fruit, nut muffin, and a small piece of sugarfree cheesecake....eating over the whole evening. I wonder if I'll gain weight today.

I'm ready to have my protein shake and hit the lanai. I hope you all have a lovely day. I wish I could magically wiggle my nose and send you some of this warm sunshine if you need it.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

P.S. Worrying and waiting to hear from KarenC about those babies!!
on 3/19/08 8:19 am - Bradenton, FL
Laureen, I think we will be able to do lunch on the 29th. I am off that day and I can drive over there. It isnt to far from my house. It is about 40 minutes from there. I cant wait!!!!! Let me know what time and I will make sure that is the day I am off. Carla
image hosting site

Brenda R.
on 3/19/08 10:10 am - Portage, IN
Good evening, everyone. I am posting late but better late than never at all.  I have been working at the church office this week and I am so tired. I am just not use to working outside of the home and getting up when the sun isn't out isn't easy either. I would like to go back to work but right now I don't think anyone should ask me about doing that. I am going  to be up there all next week too since Jeri is taking a weeks vacation because her daughter is coming in from Texas tonight in fact and staying until a week from Saturday. I am busy doing things getting ready for Easter and there is so much to do.  I slept pretty good last night since my stepson didn't call us at 1 in the morning to talk to dad about a bowling ball. I could have shot him but joyfully woke dad up (who by the way didn't want to talk but he did!!) so he could talk to him. Children-what are you going to do with them? Keep them I guess.  I am going to be going to bed before to long. Here it is only 7 and I am ready for bed already. How sad is this?  I am going to get going. I love you all and send you big hugs. I hope I can chat more tomorrow.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


Joyce S.
on 3/19/08 10:47 am - Dennis, MA
Hi Everyone,    We got home from Boston about 8 pm , so it's been a long day. I'm wiped out and will head off to bed soon. The dr took about 1/2 lb of tissue out of my incision area- in a 6 in*****ision. The little dog ear is only about an inch long scar. I'm starting to feel some discomfort as the anesthetic/lidocaine is wearing off so I'll take a couple tylenol and hope for the best. I developed an allergy to vicodin so I have to make tylenol do. He told me to stay out of hot tubs and keep the Tegaderm in place for 2 weeks. All the stitches are dissolving so I won't need to go back till July (for my 1 yr checkup) unless I have a problem.    Goodnight dear friends - see you all tomorrow.

Joyce S.

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