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VSG on 05/30/12
Topic: RE: Come on OR WLS peeps!
Well, this week I went to Silver Falls State Park & hiked up/down for over 2 hrs. I could really tell I hadn't done anything since surgery & it felt good to be out doing something that everyone else was doing. I will commit to going to Zumba twice this coming week & going for a good walk one day. It's not much, but I need to start somewhere!
Morning exercise has not been my favorite, but it's great to have it out of the way!
It's exciting that you are getting ready for surgery!! I have the sleeve on 5/30/12 & I know I would be feeling less sluggish if I excercised more. I hope we can help encourage each other so let me know if you need any prodding!!
Where are you having your surgery? I had mine at Good Sam in NW Portland with Dr Patterson. She's awesome & I have had no complications other than a fluid shift resulting in afib at the hospital.
Morning exercise has not been my favorite, but it's great to have it out of the way!
It's exciting that you are getting ready for surgery!! I have the sleeve on 5/30/12 & I know I would be feeling less sluggish if I excercised more. I hope we can help encourage each other so let me know if you need any prodding!!
Where are you having your surgery? I had mine at Good Sam in NW Portland with Dr Patterson. She's awesome & I have had no complications other than a fluid shift resulting in afib at the hospital.
Topic: RE: BMI = 24.5
Thats awesome! I'd love to see "normal." Good for you on getting more motivated.

Topic: BMI = 24.5
For the first time in 25 years, my BMI has edged into the "normal" range. :-)
I'm still about 30% over the ideal weight for my height and bone structure, but seeing "NORMAL" is very motivating for me. I've started walking more and I'm making plans for a more serious exercise program to get down to goal.
I'm still about 30% over the ideal weight for my height and bone structure, but seeing "NORMAL" is very motivating for me. I've started walking more and I'm making plans for a more serious exercise program to get down to goal.
Topic: RE: Come on OR WLS peeps!
I come by and check here every couple of weeks. I had surgery five years ago. I'm a success because I lost over 60% of my excess weight and I've kept it off. I never did lose all the weight I had hoped to. I have severe hypoglycemia and what they think is nesidioblastosis (insulin-producing tumors of the pancreas). I can't eat any refined carbs because they put me to sleep or make me pass out -- my blood sugar crashes. But, given the chance to do this again, knowing then what I know now, I'd still do it. It's so much easier to get around when your body isn't in your way! Hope to hear from some of the folks who were here five years ago. We were pretty active back then.
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Topic: RE: Come on OR WLS peeps!
I am not in your area, but I'm still gald you posted. I would love to see this Oregon board become more active. Maybe we could try to motivate each other. I am not a fan of exercise, but like you, I used to love it. I need to lose some weight this week (gained too much back after meeting the weight goal and have pre-op next Monday...scared to death that they will cancel). I have a 15 minute fast walk dvd that I am going to attempt to do every morning this week...I'm also not a fan of mornings. :-)
VSG on 05/30/12
Topic: Come on OR WLS peeps!
I admit, I'm on the VSG board mostly, but I check the OR board occasionally & it is not very active. I had VSG with @ OWLS on 5/30/12 & have been feeling great! I think my eating is on track, but I can't seem to get motivated to exercise. I used to love to exercise & was a distance walker/racer for many years. Used to love the Portland to Coast relay.
Anyone in the Salem area that needs an exercise buddy?
Anyone in the Salem area that needs an exercise buddy?
Topic: RE: Introducing myself
The RNY can be a great tool, but it is also a tough task-master. You WILL be sick if you eat things you shouldn't, so make up your mind that the sweets are gone for good. I know several people who have not done well with the band because it is restriction only and doesn't really make you change the foods you eat. I wish you great success with it.
Yes, I'm considered a success because I lost over 60% of my excess weight and have kept it off. I never did lose all the weight I'd hoped to.
Yes, I'm considered a success because I lost over 60% of my excess weight and have kept it off. I never did lose all the weight I'd hoped to.
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Topic: RE: Introducing myself
According to your ticker you have been doing pretty good! I'm getting the revision on the 21st. I'm super excited. I actually did pretty well with the band for awhile, but I think I got too comfortable and then had some emotional upsets and just let things got out of control. I think I am so much more prepared for how to handle situations now, so I'm just looking for the head start this surgery will give me. I know it will be up to me to keep up the work, but I know I can do it.
Topic: RE: Introducing myself
I had the band about 5 yrs ago and will be revising to RNY in about 3 weeks. :-) I guess we will just have to see what we can do to get this a more active place. I will mention it at the next suppport group meeting that I go to and see what happens.
Topic: RE: Introducing myself
Five years ago, when I had surgery, this was a really active place. Not many folks here any more. So, a few of you have been revised to RNY? I lost 80 lbs with RNY five years ago. Still have most of it off - I gain 5 or so pounds every now and then but manage to get it back off. I have severe hypoglycemia, so I'm really on a very restricted diet now. Still -- I'd do it again. Lighter is better!
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen