OR case review question
Hello Brian...I'm on the Oregon Board because as soon as our home sells - we are moving to Eugene - so I wanted to get to know folks here!
Brian, I'm not sure what type of surgery you are having - but I've see where many people have both their gall bladder removed and their weight loss surgery. It seems to be ashame to not go ahead and combine the two if you get a chance - why go through two surgeries in a row, if one would do?
This waiting for a decision must be complicated enough for you so Double Hugs! but once that decision is made, I'm sure you'll want to consult with your doctors about combining them. If there is this much delay between now and a scheduled gall bladder surgery, I can't see where either moving it up ..or delaying it a bit would matter that much...but that is my humble opinion...and I'm not a doctor!
Best of luck! Hugs, Gail
Brian - I'm sorry I don't have concrete answers for you. I never got insurance to pay but just from watching other people on the boards over the last couple of years it seems to me that once you get approval it is just a couple weeks until you get scheduled for surgery. Usually it's then up to the surgeon and how busy they are. Hopefully it will work out where you can have both surgeries at the same time!