Anyone from Eugene,Springfield,or outlining area???
I thought we could start a excerise group. Water aerobics,walking.
Has any of you joined Curves? Which one? I really need to excersice more.
I have a start time for work between 12:00am-1:00pm and I wor****il sometimes 9:30 pm. Monday thru Friday. So the best time for me would be in the mornings. I love my job,but it really is hard to find time to excerise. (Maybe I'm just making a excuse for myself??)
I hope to hear from you,even if you don't want to start a group.maybe you could give me some advise??
-85 lbs
Hi Jeanne,
I live in Coburg and would love to work out with you if we can find a good time. Mornings don't work real well for me but I do water aerobics tuesdays and thursdays from 5:40 to 6:30 p.m. I would be willing to change those days and times if you would be interested in water workouts but otherwise just walking would be nice or ??? Best wishes, Teresa
Hello Jeanne,
I would also like to get together and meet new people, I'm hoping to have the surgery, did you already have the surgery?
Walking, Water aerobics and Curves, I like them all, The only thing about curves is that I have a hard time getting up off of the exercise equipment, But it's lots of fun, I'm hoping that after I have the surgery and lose some of this weight, curves will get alot easier.
Have a good day