WAY OT!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I am sick of living like this...
Ok, check out these pics....and tell me what to do about my messy roomies......
I can't do it anymore, I come home everyday and clean up after somebody else, anyone have some good advice for me?? I would love ya forever! I want to be able to relax in a CLEAN house!!!

the only way for you to live in a CLEAN HOUSE is to 1. find new "clean" roommates.. 2. live by your self. 3. hire a maid.
I'm sorry I don't have much else to offer..
I have 1 grown son and 2 teenagers.. I really can feel your pain. it doesn't get done in my house unless I do it myself or unless I seriously threaten physcial harm.. (usualy about the time I am pulling my own hair out and have the look of something EVIL!!)
however, the truck and garbage situation can't you call the city/county on your friends for that??? annonmously of course.. LOL
the TOILET.. ok, that's where I loose it.. after being married for 18 yrs and have 2 sons that is what grosses me out the most.. now keep in mind I grew up in a house with a mother who was extremly clean to the point where I think she actually white gloved everything.. plus we were a house full of girls.. NO MEN.. there were 5 girls and mom...
so this whole peeing on the floor/toilet seat/splashing the wall thing is just down right DISGUSTING AND LAZY... and has caused many many many fights in my house....
good luck
Can't afford a maid, and (this is bad) I would be toooooo embarassed to have somebody in this house...LOL! Can't get new roomies, cause well, it just can't happen, we are all sort of pals, which is where the conflict comes in... and I do soo much myself, i could just scream! But I am nice, polite, never a ***** Brandi. Everybody knows how sweet and funny I am....but I am secretly cursing them all under my breath while, for the umpteenth time, I clean the bathtub. Yeah, whats up with the toilet thing anyway? and whats worse, is WHY AM I THE ONLY FREAKING ONE WHO FINDS IT DISGUSTING????? EWW. I have suggested the house meeting thing, but 2 roomies don't think it's needed, one of who doesn't even care how this house looks. I am ALWAYS cleaning and it isn't fair, I think I may have to become a *****wanna give me a lesson?? LOL, had to say it girl! hehehehhehe
Thankx Theresa........you rock...
Brandi (AKA Cinderella) LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey girl,
***** lessons.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
yup you are in need of some real soon!!
unfortunatly it isn't gonna change a dam thing in your living situation!! cuz you slob roomie doesn't care and your female roomie is already on strike..
do yourself this favor right now "before" surgery!!
it's one less thing to stuff away for later..
of course this emotion was NEVER my problem..
I have always been the type to speak up..
not that it does any good.. but that's just who I am..
total open book.. I couldn't hold a thought in or I might actually explode.. LOL
take care..
sure wish you was coming out with us tonight!!
you'd better not let anything come up on the next night out!!!

Brandi dear,
IMHO....nothing is going to change them. You have two options....live with it or get your own place. Don't know if you've ever just lived on your own, but I can tell you I was always much happier without roommates. If there's a mess, it's your own.
Being a ***** isn't going to change the situation, it's just going to cause more turmoil. And if the female roomie is already on strike, she's just going to dig her heels in even more.
If you need furniture, I'm getting rid of a queen size bed very soon, and an old dining room set that's really cool but needs some refinishing w/6 chairs. This set is in storage because we're using Kevin's. I don't have a couch for you right now, maybe someone else has one. And I might even be able to come up with a coffee table.
Sorry sweetie, but you need to get out of that pigstye....I am sure you'd be alot happier. They can still be your friends...to visit! Find a nice little studio and decorate it really cute if you have to...just get out!
With Love, (honest)
I have to advise - keep your friends, change your living arrangement. You are not going to be able to propell them toward maturity at an acceptable rate for your peace and well being. What might seem insurmountable (finding a place you can afford by yourself, moving, telling your good friends you are moving out, etc.) really isn't impossible at all. You will most likely find your self so happy to have moved forward, and not putting your valuable energy and feelings towards a bummer situation.
At your age I shared a rambling victorian house near San Francisco, with a sister and various friends over a five year period. I was raised in a nice home, I keep a very clean home at this point in time...but if I could go into a time machine back to that house I would probably cringe. I think we had a cooperative attitutude (I wasn't dealing with a guy - based on my teenage son, they are hopeless) but our standards were way down there.
I think roommates are a bit of a stress, even when you all really love eachother. You will find it a luxury to be alone with your man too. Seriously consider moving out. You may be even less happy with your roomies post-op. I find myself looking at the status quo with a more critical eye now.
Good luck.
Thankx all for the awesome advice....my man and I were talking about getting a condo, but since I plan on buying a home in about 4 years (when school is over and I have a job for a while) I just am having trouble talking him into it. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be out on my own with just me and him, but at this point, I don't think it's possible, so I think I am going to try really hard to stop stressing, going to speak up about what the problem is ALOT more often, and I am going to stop doing more than my share, if the living area becomes unbearable, I will just retreat to my room like my other roomie does, she is in there ALL the time cause she can't stand it in the living room, LOL!.
With any luck, this other roomie moving in has cleaned up his bad habits a bit and will be willing to pitch in. I guess, my man is right (don't tell him!!) but I just really need to stop letting it bug me, I can't change it, I can't change my living situation just yet (but am still giving it serious thought) and I can't keep doing it all.
I want to keep my friends, but then again, if they are soo inconsiderate of the other people in the house, they aren't exactly the best of pals anyway.......
Thankx again, you guys are soo awesome...I know I can always come and whine to ya all and I will feel soo much better when I am done....
Brandi :fairy;
Theresa, next night out, I am there with bells on (and nothing else) LOL! I crack myself up sometimes.....

Well, there is no time like the present to buy a home...even if it is a condo. The housing market is fantastic right now and I have heard it will be for awhile.
I say it's time for you to live on your own about now. Obviously you aren't going to get anywhere with your roommates. Besides, think of it - how many people stay with room mates for any length of time???
This is exactly why I bought my own house. Yes, it's small, dumpy, and florescent sea foam green, its not easy to pay a $1200 mortgage with two kids and a $1500 paycheck, but for me it's just about priorities. I got sick and tired of working all day and having a man at home refusing to look for work, help out with the kids, or pick up after himself. NEVER AGAIN!
Trust me Brandi- it CAN be done if it's something you REALLY want. I bought my house with NO money down, bad credit, and obviously low income. Look at it with the dedication you have about getting WLS. You made some major changes in small steps to get Ins. that will cover it, you can do the same thing about a home- major changes in small steps. I have an awesome broker & realtor who helped me after dozens of them said there is no way I could ever buy a house. When you decide its time to take action, you will.
One piece of advice I have, what I do in my house with the kids. Any messy stuff left out of their in the living/dining room/kitchen gets thrown in the trash, sold on ebay, or freecycled. Clothes in the living room? Freecycled. Games & Toys, directly into the trash. If they want it, they keep it out of the joint living area. Then when they ask me "where's my game boy" I ask...where did you leave it? If the answer is 'in the living room', they Know the answer will be that I disposed of it because it is NOT my job to be the maid. This is hard, because when you paid a lot of money for something, it's hard to throw it out, but it's the only way they will learn.
Best of luck!