Need a Doc to do fill
I had my lap band done in Mexico (8/23/04) and can not find anyone here to do a fill for me when I need one. I have contacted doctors in my area and even Dr. Petterson who was referred to me the last time I posted this message and she wont do it since another doctor did it. What would someone do if they had this done in the staes and then moved. I guess they would be SOL!!! Is there ANY boby out there that can help!!!!!
Michelle 280/270/170
Okay - read the last post here:
This might be the one I was thinking of though:
Hope that helps get you on the right track!
Also, I noticed your profile is totally empty. You should fill out your profile with notes and things, it still just says surgery date scheduled. Often, when you ask questions, people will go to your profile and are less inclined to respond if there is no info there.
Reading profiles is an awesome way to learn, we all like to cruise the profiles looking for info, and nothing is more frustrating than an empty profile, LOL! Not trying to be pushy, please don't take it that way, I just think that for the sake of everybody here, that profiles should be filled out in some detail about what you have been through, what is happeneing, ect...
My profile is my way of saying thankx to everybody else I learned from, and I hope someday mine will help somebody else, it also helps me to keep organized and motivated.
::::Stepping off soap box now:::::: 


I have chosen not to fill in my profile and have had no trouble communicating with others and have had others communicate with me in spite of not having a profile.
It's nice that you and others have chosen to share and I, for one, do appreciate the effort. Thank you.
But, I think not doing a profile is a choice to be respected also. Whatever the reasons behind it, it is a personal choice.
Just my humble thoughts on the subject.
Soapbox back to you.........