Ok, I'm still stuck going for the record
Hi Everyone,
I'm still stuck 8 weeks and counting, up 2 lbs. down 2 lbs.
Tell me there is someone out there who has been stuck for longer than 8 weeks and woke up the next morning and lost 10 lbs.
I'm just stuck and bouncing, I have tried everything and nothing works. So I would like some good weightloss vibes coming my way please!
Thank You!
The Current Plateau Queen
275/200 holding my mouth just right/200?????

Catherine -
First of all, you look INCREDIBLE!!! What a transformation on you - you look at least 15 years younger!!!
Second, I had an almost 3 week stall (I dread a 2 month one!) and when I finally started losing it was 9 lbs in about 3 days. So yes, you can lose 10 lbs, but maybe not quite overnight!
Of course, I am behind you by 3 months, so who knows what lies ahead...

my longest platue lasted something like 7 months..
however it's NOT a real platue when your gaining *and* loosing the same 2 or 4 or in my case 7 lbs..
it's more about choosing to stay on track.. I would loose the 7lbs and then get lazy and gain them right back again.. then realize what I had done (thanks to those pesky scales.. LOL) and drop the 7lbs again.. a horrible nasty circle.
so continue on.. shake things up a bit.. look for hidden carbs (or what ever you count, fats/calories whatever) add something to your diet and take something away, drink more, move more, ect.. ect..ect.. it WILL HAPPEN..
and yes you LOOK FABULOUSO!!!!!!!!!!!!