I'm Back!!
Hello friends,
I got home from a week in the Bay Area. Mostly a visit to relatives, though we did fit in one perfect California dream day at Santa Cruz Boardwalk.
I would say my weight loss was noticed by most, but despite my hitting the century mark (actually I managed to lose two undeserved pounds while on vacation and saw 100 when I got home), it wasn't an overwhelming shock to anyone? I haven't seen anyone in two years, and perhaps not seeing how big I had gotten, made it not as dramatic. Plus my father-in-law is in the middle of cancer diagnosis, so it was appropriate that things were not about me.
It was beyond words (O.K. I'll try to find them) gratitude, happiness, comfort, to not have this trip consume me internally with misery about my weight. I am not at my goal yet, but I have reached the point of feeling "normal". The plane seat was crowded as it is for everyone, but the seatbelt fit with ease, and I crossed my legs. I didn't have to hesitate at the Big Dipper wooden rollercoaster. Went on it four times with my kids, and it was a BLAST! I did all the shopping and cooking at my mother-in-laws three different nights, without breaking a sweat, or having my joints kill me. I have such ENERGY now!
This was my first time out of my routine environment post-op. I did not do so bad mostly, but could have done better. Drank my water, took my vitamins, probably stayed within 1,200 calories a day. O.K. here it is....I was at In-Out Burger. I ordered one. I was planning to eat half of it, but kept going till it was gone. I didn't feel sick, didn't get sick, and have been pretty concerned about that. I also had a chili dog at the Board Walk (again, ate the whole thing), when I certainly could have made a better choice. There were salads and chicken bento available. Ate a piece of pizza at my sisters when that was all that was served.
Been home a week, and have picked myself up, dusted myself off, and am not going to think the process has all gone to hell because of the food transgressions on this trip. I've been eating a lot of tuna and salad this week. My loss has slowed ALOT this past month (I know NORMAL at this juncture) and I am much more hungry (also predicted). I am trying to keep my eye on the prize. I would be happy with 160!?!?
I didn't end up telling anyone but my brother that I had surger. I overheard my mother-in-law pumping my son while I was out of the room...."your mom has lost a lot of weight hasn't she. How much - do you know? Hey I am glad she didn't go that awful surgery route, cutting up her stomach. That would have been no good". My son played it cool, and I took that as my cue to just not say a thing.
I am so happy for Pamela V. on a safe return home from surgery. She is having a struggle to find her way protein wise, but she will! Look forward to more news on Renee.
Patty -
I wondered where you disappeared to! Chalk it up to my not being very observant.
I am so happy for you that you had a comfortable trip and CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the 100 lb mark! You are way ahead of my game, that's for sure sister! I think my surgery was about a month ahead of yours and I'm still not quite even to the 80 lb mark (1 more stinking pound to go!!!).
As for the burger, don't sweat it, please! I bought one of those pre-made deli sandwiches at the grocery store last week....you know, a few slices of roast beef on a big roll where they cut it in half and wrap it up? Well, I ate a whole half, which was every bit as big or larger size-wise as a burger. Probably a lot less meat though, but I ate it all. I did it again tonight with no sweat.
The thing to remember is that bread is full of air and what it looks like on the outside is not how it smooshes down in our pouches. Plus we are far enough out (you are closing in on 5 months, right?) that our pouches are no longer swollen from surgery and they have relaxed a bit. You are right- it's to be expected, but I am the same as you I let it get to me when I see the volume I'm able to eat.
The key is that we are still watching what we eat and maintaining a low enough calorie level to keep losing. I have had days where I had too much fat, but I watch it and pay attention as it sounds like you do too. Don't sweat it and understand that you are screaming on your weight loss! I would definitely expect a stall and when it gets to feel like it's all over, just try not to sweat it. I'm playing armchair quarterback here because I haven't had a stall over 2.5 (almost 3) weeks yet, but from everyone else's stalls I have seen it is normal and to be expected and it will start back up again eventually.
Good to hear from you! Check your email when you get a chance as I sent you one this week. If you didn't get it, let me know!

I'm so glad to see you back on here, and to hear that you had a good trip!
I'm not as far out as you are, but I think it's great that you didn't beat yourself up for eating a bit off of your normal meal plans. Heck, it was vacation and it's hard not too! As far as the amount, being AWARE of how much you eat is key...it's a good thing that you realized you ate a bit more than usual, instead of not seeing it at all, don't you think? I agree with Dina as far as the bread....looks like a lot more going in than it really is.
Take care,