What have you eaten today?
Hi Jeanne,
Let's see....today I started with an Atkins protein shake. Lunch was half of a turkey club on 9-grain at Burgerville (I was out back to school shopping). Ate pistachio's while talking with my husband. Dinner was a piece of whole wheat toast with melted cheese on it. Baked a zillion cookies for an event tomorrow, didn't dare eat one of my favorite batters, or sample the goods coming out of the oven.
Hi Patty,
Sounds like you had a busy day! Good job on not eating those cookies. I use to like the dough almost as much as the cookies.. I'm to scared to try any sugar at all,I heard to much about dumping.
I read your profile,I have'nt been to Hot Springs in years. Girlfriends and I went once and we stayed in a tee-pee they had a pool and restuarant and snack bar. It sounds pretty fancy now. (This was back in the 70's.)
Keep up the good work. Jeanne