I've been horrible....
about posting. I'm so sorry - I don't want to ignore anyone, but I just have been so stinking busy with work. 2 days of overtime this weekend and busy as all get out (Memorial Day - guess that says it all). Lot's of wrecks and fatals and lots and lots of drunks. Lots of pursuits and lots of stolen cars.
I'm just glad the holiday is over and now maybe I can get on with it. I have overtime again on Thursday but hopefully that will be it for awhile. I'm TIRED!!!
Hey dina,
I'm there with ya... Marketing myself for my biz, getting my brochures out in person and in mail, knocking on doors, calling on the phone, talking to people that don't want to be bothered.. UUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH
now I know how those poor phone solicitors feel.. although I am NOT calling private homes....... (placement services, guardians, conservators, hospitals, ect...)
can we say "totaly insane" starting a home biz??? (adult care home for seniors) The work it's self is EASY in comparison to marketing your self.
had to pass on a camping trip this weekend to knock on doors.. LOL
my boys went camping though so it was all fine.
ok, off to search out more phone numbers to be calling in the A.M.
Hey girl!
I'm sure we can all relate to being busy and tired! I KNOW I can! Working 9 hour days, running around for all the pre-op appointments, looking for a new job and taking care of 3 teenagers and my SO (I consider him the 4th child ) and the house....ugh! I finally found some time to spend on me last night about 10:30.....remember the old saying, "Calgon take me away" . I know, I'm probably dating myself!
Anywhooooo, get some rest and we'll all have your wonderful words of wisdom and cooking tips to look forward to!