Cold almost gone
Hi all thank you for all of your prayers. I am getting so ready for surgery. July 1 is just around the corner and my cold is almost gone. I have been babying myself along to get well so surgery will be a go. It sure has been a roller coaster ride. I am so very grateful for all of the post on here it has certainly made me a much more informed participant. I love coming on here and reading everyones post. I will be heading to Portland on Monday evening to spend the night and to OHSU on Tuesday for surgery. I just know all is going to go well. Thank you for the good wishes. Linda

Linda is feeling much better she stayed home on Sat nesting and cleaning house. Off to Astoria in AM tommorrow to see PCP then home for a phone interview for a Obesity study at OHSU then to Portland for the night. It is a littl of 24 hours away now. My it was a long roller coaster of 2 years to arrive at this point.
Thank you for all the support. I will post as soon as I can from OHSU.
Taylor the Sailor