Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
I substitute a lot of my nutrisystem meals with other low-cal foods, especially if I need to eat out. I usually do a lot of turkey or chicken style sandwiches from Subway. I sometimes substitute the southwest sauce, mayo, or honey mustard for regular mustard &/or vinegar. It seems like I don't notice as much at that restaurant because they put so many juicy veggies on. During the tomatoe crisis LOL, the sandwiches just weren't the same. I'm learning to appreciate more natural foods during my weightloss period before surgery. I know what you mean about having to have tomatoes on your pizza or any other food. During part of my childhood I grew up near tomato farms. Some neighborhood friends would go out to the tomatoe fields with salt shakers. Some tomatoe farmers would bring us huge bags of them. We would make refreshing tomatoe sandwiches in the summer! Also, my sister who isn't involved with WLS, but diets frequently raves about those low-carb Mission tortilla you were talking about. I love pasta sauce, but I didn't know about that low-no sugar brand. And to make lower cal & carb pizzas from those thing? Wow, what a great idea!!! Also, some lapbanders & maybe bypass members of my support group really think it's hard to eat pizza crust & bread. One person choked on pizza crust early on after surgery, but she's far out post-op now. I should tell her about the de-lite pizza, because she used to be a big pizza lover. Great Ideas!