So I'm scheduled for surgery in 9 more days at southwest washington medical center in vancouver. I got a letter in the mail about having a hospital registration and a surgical pre-assessment done before my surgery. I guess both are these are specific to the hospital. I already had a phone call from the admissions/registration office, but not from the pre-assessment... Anyone have the pre-assessment and what is involved? It said something about some blood work and an EKG. But I already had my lab work and EKG done months ago with OWLS. Anyone know what the pre-assessment is???
I believe that a pre-assessment is the same as the pre-admit testing. The latter involves measuring your height and weight, taking your vitals, blood and urine lab work, EKG, and speaking with an anesthesiologist (more of a liaison with the one involved in your surgery case).
The pre-assessment is important in order to determine that you're all ready for surgery, as well as the proper administration of anesthesia during surgery. If the anesthesiologist determines that you're not ready for surgery, then your surgery may be postponed to a later date.
DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.
Has not weighed myself since 1/2010. Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.
I am not sure what a preassessment is, but I had a preop visit with the staff at Good Sam. More bloodwork was drawn, then I also had a group session with other patients scheduled for lap band surgery. Information was presented by the nurse practioner and the dietician. It was basically telling us what to expect prior to, during and after surgery.
Maybe call and find out exactly what it is that you need to do? I can't believe that your surgery is only 9 days away. I know you have been waiting for such a long,long time. Best of luck. I will save you a space on the loser's bench, right next to me!

Congratulations on you upcoming surgery!! I had mine at SWWMC on Jan. 31, also with Dr. Jan. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what the pre-assessment involves. I know that I had to take part in a pre-surgery class and was able to do it over the phone, because of a conflicting schedule. Then the morning of surgery they did the usual bloodwork, weight-check and some tests. Nola