Only 9 more days
Only nine more days and I will be joining all of you on the losers bench. I am overcoming my nerves and just continually think of all the positives that I can achieve once I am banded. And since I have lost 35 pounds pre surgery, I am no longer considered morbidly obese....just obese. Never thought I would be proud to admit to that. ;)
I am definitely looking forward to the NEW ME!
How long has it taken from your first seminar to now Brandon? I attended my first one in August and am still waiting...I managed to get in for a psychological eval last week. the rest of the required tests are done. Im starting to get impatient :) I would like to get this banding going! Also for anyone who went through OHSU how proactive should I be? I don't want to bug them to death.
I attended the seminar with Legacy in June, so the entire process has taken about 6months, and would have been shorter had I accepted the original surgery date they wanted to give me by about 2 weeks. ( There was a conflict in my schedule, darn it)
Not sure about OHSU, but I did call them once after all my paperwork was finished and I had my consult with Dr. Patterson. I believe that it helped push things along. But sometimes it has to do with insurance.
Good luck Dr. Tina..................