About Self Pay
You're self pay and you still have to go through all that rigamarole? I had insurance pay for my surgery at OHSU and all I had to do was lose a certain amount of weight within six months. I lost it in three weeks and then was scheduled for surgery. I don't know about Good Sam, but I expect they will want most of their funds up-front, as most places do nowadays. Best call them and ask.
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Hi Linda-
Hope you are doing better with your back pain. I was just wondering/stewing/okay panicking about the whole BCBS PEBB 5% weight loss thing!! I just was going to put out a post asking if anyone knew if you had to wait 6 months. But, it sounds like you did it in 3 weeks.
Did you lose that after you met with the NP/Nutritionist???
Did you have to go back to Portland to get an "official weigh in" as proof of the 5% loss??
How long after that did they schedule you for pre-op and surgery appts.????
We should get together for lunch (except I only get 1/2 hour!!)
Fitbyfifty (Sheryl)
Hi Sheryl - I think I had to lose that after meeting with the NP and Nutritionist. When I felt I had lost enough, I went in to see my PCP here in Eugene, got weighed, and had him fax my weight to OHSU. Then they scheduled me to see the surgeon. I can't remember the time line exactly, but when I got my approval from the insurance, they called me a few days later with a surgery date -- I had to wait three months for surgery! I did specifically request Dr. O'Rourke though, so that may have been why. We can do lunch any time! I don't eat much, plus I walk by your building almost every day on my lunch hour.
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
I was a self pay at Good Samaritan. I had to pay the surgeon 2 weeks in advance ($8,300? I think) and the anasthesiologist in advance (I think about $1,200). I then had to put a deposit down at the hospital prior to my surgery date. The deposit was $12,000. The rest of the cost was billed to me later.