Kaiser - Freedom From Diets

Very good to know! I have a desk job as well, and luckily the company I work for I know would be accomidating in that way as well....I hope!
I was curious to know about the scar, but felt a little uncomfortable asking about it... So, thank you for sharing!!!! I'm sure it's not that bad, it's not like I'm used to showing off my tummy anyways! Hee hee....
You went home really soon! Sooner than I would expect - especially since it's an "open" surgery! Wow! How was you pain level after you got home?
Did you have to share a room? Did you feel you had privacy? How are they w/guests?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my inquiries!
Bummer!!! Oh, well.... I will have someone with me most of the time as well - that was why I was wondering about guests/privacy issues.
I guess only being there for a couple of days isn't so bad.
Glad to know you weren't in any pain - other than when strained. So, how much weight have you lost since your surgery (again...)?