I'm Home!
Thank you all for the well wishes, both here on the board and privately. I feel so blessed. I did have a few bumps in the road. An unexplained fever that keeps coming back, but is staying low grade. I'm keeping an eye on it. Then the dieticians tried to kill me by giving me broth with soy protein in it! I am SO allergic. I ended up having to have some IV benadryl last night, and I'm feeling good today. I've managed to work so much of the gas out, that I came home and actually took a nap in my own bed!! AHHHH, does that feel good. I've had a protein shake, some cream of tomato soup, and will probably have yogurt and applesauce for dinner. I will learn to be a gourmet!
I never expected to feel this well this soon. I'll most likely go for a walk soon, as it's a lovely evening. Boy, is it great to be on the LOSER'S BENCH!!

Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Hi Julia - yes, I was surprised. I had nothing at all by mouth on Tuesday, then Wednesday they gave me clear liquids. Thursday morning, I got skim milk and a little pudding, and then was cleared for full liquids. I'm on that for two weeks and then will go to soft foods. I can't believe I feel as well as I do.
Success supposes endeavor. - Jane Austen
Yay, Linda! You must be so glad to be at home! I know what you mean about how surprisingly well you feel. After my surgery, I kept wondering if they had really done the procedure, because I felt so much better than I thought I would. Have you tried the Pacific Foods cream of tomato soup? You can get it in the little boxes, and when I was recovering it tasted heavenly to me. Best of luck, and congratulations on doing so well. Take care, Lisa