Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 6/1/11 12:33 pm
Topic: RE: Feel Like I'm At the Top of a Roller Coaster
YAY!!!   its such a great feeling isnt it!!!  Good luck!!!
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on 6/1/11 12:31 pm
Topic: RE: Little miss Impatiant!!!!!??
YES!!  Definitely call... once a wee****il you get an answer!!!!!   maybe they have a date for you.. but just forgot to call????   Call tomorrow and then fill us in lol... . I hope you get the answer youre looking for!!!!
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on 6/1/11 12:20 am
Topic: RE: PATTS
If you read my blog I talk alllll about it lol... that was at Humber though... Im not sure about other hospitals...!!!
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on 6/1/11 12:18 am
Topic: RE: GOT MY DATE!!!
congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    so exciting for you!!!!!!
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on 5/31/11 12:12 pm
Topic: RE: Sexy in the city hotel buddy/extra ticket for OH event
YES!!!   I want to come and ill share a room for sure!!!  Just tell me what to do and how to do it lol  This is so exciting.. Ive never been to NYC... and Ive never been on a plane if thats the route we take.. but I dont mind the bus route either.. what ever workes for everyone else!!!!!!!!
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on 5/31/11 9:17 am
Topic: RE: Optifast Question....
I agree.. i also put 500ml with it.. and have it at 8am, noon, 4pm and 8pm...   i also found mixing half chocolate and have vanilla tasted better than having the vanilla on its own.
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on 5/31/11 8:26 am
Topic: RE: Sexy in the city hotel buddy/extra ticket for OH event
What is this event that you speak of lol .. and where is it located??
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on 5/30/11 5:31 am, edited 5/30/11 5:31 am
Topic: RE: Putting your time on Optifast into perspective
"I am just ending my first week of optifast and I did expect the worst from all the stories I had heard and read on here, but I really like it. I mix half vanilla and half chocolate use ice and my Magic Bullet - I'm finding it rather tasty and I'm usually a bit disappointed when my cup is empty. It's all what you make of it..."

thanks to your advice.. i take it the same way.. minus the ice.. just really cold water... and I also like it... i add extra water though so its not so thick...

I also expected the worst.. and spent unnecessary money on extracts and things that I don't even use now lol

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on 5/29/11 9:15 am
Topic: RE: TMI - Day 6 of Optifast.....
So I've been doing pretty darn good so far I think...  I haven't cheated at all.... I'm drinking lots of water, getting my optifast in ok.. (i dont like the vanilla.. but I found if I mix it half and half with the chocolate.. its much better!!!!!)

I havent really even been hungry.  Ive had to watch my daughter and her grandfather eat homemade burgers and fries right in front of me... ive gone grocery shopping for the family.... and cooked meals for the kids... and I was ok... even wiped my finger when gravy got on it instead of licking it lol.....

But today.... im irritable.. emotional.........  and constipated :(   Is there anything we are allowed to take for this.. cuz its not fun at all... I still have two more weeks of this...  any suggestions?
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on 5/26/11 11:33 pm
Topic: RE: feeling better
YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! Im super glad you're doing well... I was thinking about you!
on 5/26/11 11:29 pm
Topic: RE: Optifast Question
HI Freddy!  Im having my surgery on June 14th in Toronto.. and Im on day four of Optifast.... I find that mixing half chocolate and half vanilla is really good... especially if you like one more than the other... I definitely add more water.. it usually ends up being 500ml by the time its all mixed together... I dont like it when its so thick!   I also like banana extract in the chocolate.....

Good luck to you and if you ever need to vent or compare notes just message me :)

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on 5/25/11 11:30 pm
Topic: RE: Question about Vitamins....
I'm on day 3 of Optifast.. and I have bought all of my vitamins that are required for after the surgery... I was just wondering if I should start taking them now.. or wait till after?

If I should take them now.. when during the day should I take them ... I have a multi vitamin Vita Vim chewable, chewable calcium, and B12 strips...

Any advice would be appreciated.... also being on Opti has given me quite the headache... can I take Tylenol Extra Strength?

Thanks in advance!!!

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on 5/25/11 11:22 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for a Angel
LOL Leanne is my angel too :)  shes gonna have a few busy weeks ;)  soo exciting....  hope youre doing ok on your optifast!!!  If you ever wanna chat I have BBM or just text me.... i always have my phone on me lol... Ill send it to  you in a PM.....
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on 5/25/11 8:18 am
Topic: RE: WOW!
that is awesome!  Im on day two of optifast.... and i think ill try mixing the two of them as well... not really liking the vanilla!!!!
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on 5/25/11 6:50 am
Topic: RE: Optifast DAY 2.........
Thank you Sam1am!  I will try that for sure!!!!
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on 5/25/11 5:42 am
Topic: RE: Optifast DAY 2.........
I wi**** was just 12 more days.. but alas im on this stuff for 3 weeks lol..... but thank you everyone for the words!!!!
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on 5/25/11 2:51 am
Topic: RE: Optifast DAY 2.........
Its not so bad :)  I actually like the chocolate one.. kind of lol   I put in extra water.. so its not so thick.. and today i tried it with banana extract and I really liked it!  Even adding a scoop of instant coffee and a bit of ice is good.. kind of like an ice cap from tims.....

The vanilla on the other hand.... its really sweet.. and hard for me to get down.  I added raspberry crystal light to it.. and it kind of tasted like a strawberry milkshake... but not really.  I thought adding ice might help... but it just made it harder to drink.  I think I will just have to live with gulping that kind.. but its only day 2.. and I will keep trying different flavors :) 

I don't feel hungry yet... we had a few half bags of chips in the house last night and my husband was kind enough to throw them out... I knew I wouldn't eat them.. but just knowing they were there was really bothering me.

So far so good though :)

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on 5/24/11 12:28 pm
Topic: RE: Supercalafragilisticexpealadocious
Congrats!!!!!  My surgery date is June 14th with Dr. Hagen at H.R.R.H!!!   I started my Optifast today... so exciting!!!
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on 5/24/11 12:10 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for an angel!
Thank you sooo much for the offer.. but Leanne1 already said she would.  All the support has been amazing.. and I love reading your updates and I will definately keep you updated as well!!!!  Thank you !!!!!
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on 5/24/11 10:22 am
Topic: RE: Looking for an angel!
Im having my surgery 3 weeks from today.... 
and Im looking for my angel

Any volenteers lol?

Just send me a message and ill send you my email and cell number so I can text you while Im at the hospital..etc.

Im starting to get excited!

PS... First day of Optifast done... and its not so bad :)

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on 5/24/11 12:24 am
Topic: RE: Day One of Optifast... taken from my blog....
So last night I had to break up a 30 year old relationship .. with food.. 

As one person put it.. it was more of a divorce... and in the words of a wise woman...

"That food was an a**hole anyway, and you re better off without it" lol

This morning I tried my first optifast.  My daughter told me to try the chocolate.  The kids were super curious about it!  I did add an extra 100ml of cold water... I didn't want it very thick.... I let both kids try a sip and they liked it... said it tasted like chocolate milk lol  

I thought it tasted a bit like Slimfast.  I really am glad I have my blender.. and even picked up a extra one to keep at work.  Im excited to try all the different flavors!

I was sitting with the kids while they were having breakfast and my daughter said they would have soup for dinner and I can have my broth... my son said he didn't want soup.. and my daughter said, "Ewan, we have to be supportive to Mom"  soo cute!  I told them thank you.. but they still have to eat lol

Although I dint think I'm going to love these next few weeks...
I definitely think I can get through it.. and I know why I'm doing it...

My daughter (who's only 10 by the way)
after I made a face taking my last sip...
asked me "Is it worth it?" 
And I asked her "what do you think?" 
She said yes.

And then she went on to remind me that I will be able to ride bikes and go on the trampoline with her when I'm skinny. 

I will never make that face again.

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on 5/23/11 11:16 pm
Topic: RE: Break Up
thanks everyone!  I had a chocolate one for breakfast (my daughter made me lol)  it wasnt soo bad.. kindof reminded me of Slimfast... I did add a bit extra water to it.. and it was still kindof thick.. but not unbarable... but lets see how im feeling about them 3 weeks from now lol 

Ps.. I love the comment about food being an a**hole anyway lol.... made my day!!!!
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on 5/23/11 12:09 pm
Topic: RE: Break Up
So tonight I had to break up a 30 year long relationship.....

with food lol

Tomorrow I start my optifast... so many mixed emotions!  Happy.. excited... scared... and a bit sad...

but I am soo ready for this journey......

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on 5/20/11 9:15 am
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy May 24....

Im headed to Niagara Falls for the weekend  with my husband...
I couldnt think of a better way to spend my last weekend before I start Optifast on Tuesday!!!!!

See ya'll on the flip side
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