Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 7/23/11 4:56 am
Topic: RE: Fruity Protein drink at Shoppers?
I love Weider's Fruit Splash, mango peach ... i have found it at Shoppers... and at Walmart... when you find it.. buy a few... its really good.. and they might not have it next time you go in!
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on 7/21/11 10:48 pm
Topic: RE: Question for Dollface .... :)
HI Simona!

I do manage STINGER TATTOO in Newmarket... and we also have a location in Richmond Hill.  Our website is

If you have any questions you can reach me at [email protected] (i answer the emails) or my personal email is [email protected]

We also have a facebook group that has all of the artists portfolios.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


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on 7/21/11 12:31 am
Topic: RE: Southern Ontario Meet N Greet!
It sounds like a lot of fun.. but its so close to the OH event in New York... and the chances of me getting two weekends off in one month is not likely lol... I did reply maybe to the event on Facebook... so if there is a chance of getting the time off Id love to be there... guess we will see!
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on 7/20/11 4:58 am
Topic: RE: For the ladies.. period question...
Im hoping im just over reacting... but I just got my period yesterday... the first one since surgery... and its soo different from the ones i used to get... super painful (that could just be because I cant medicate myself with Advil)  but its also 10x heavier than ever before...  (TMI sorry) 

Im just wondering if anyone has delt with this.. or if its something i should ask my doctor about?
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on 7/20/11 3:17 am
Topic: RE: CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL.. i had an IUD.. and I also did not have a period for four years.. but when I turned 25 I decided to have my tubes tied.. and it came flowing back lol.... sigh.
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on 7/19/11 11:50 pm
Topic: RE: CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually went back after two weeks.. but Im the manager at Stinger Tattoo in newmarket... so its pretty laid back.. I had people to help do all the hard stuff so all I had to do was the piercing and the money lol....  I probably couldve used another week to be honest.. but i was going crazy at home!

Thanks for all the tips!

One more question though... do you think Ill still have to crush them or maybe id be able to swallow them by now?
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on 7/19/11 11:33 pm
Topic: RE: CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks ladies!!!!!!!!!!
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on 7/19/11 10:31 pm
Topic: RE: CRAMPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just over a month out.. and I always get pretty bad cramps with my period... but Ive always medicated myself with Advil..... someone PLEASE help me lol

What can I take at this stage to help them a bit?  I am dreading going to work today!
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on 7/17/11 12:35 pm
Topic: RE: York Region Support group (pic)
lol exactly!  she looks freakin amazing!!!
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on 7/17/11 8:52 am
Topic: RE: York Region Support group (pic)
It was really nice to be able to put some faces to names today!  I feel really bad though that I missed the actual meeting... hopefully I will be able to book it off next month!

I was especially happy to meet up with Tracy, Kristie and Becca... who I am luckily going to New York with in October!   I made them pose for a picture so we can take another one at the convention and see the difference between now and then... totally looking forward to it!!!! 9724_511489723_7391536_3686821_n.jpg
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on 7/15/11 2:13 pm
Topic: RE: ice cream
someone had put up a link for banana ice cream a while ago and i just tried it.....

peel and cut up nice ripe bananas and freeze them... then put them in the blender... EXACTLY like ice cream!  I added a little vanilla extract and it was great!!!!
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on 7/14/11 5:18 am
Topic: RE: For Megan M for ( some humour post-surgery)
ohhh   thats too funny!  I cant wait till i can tell people i lost the equivalent to a whales penis LOLOLOL
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on 7/14/11 5:05 am
Topic: RE: Curves for Women?
Thats pretty much my thinking as well... I dont know how well Id do next to all the skinny minis and buff topless men lol

Im excited about sunday!  And since my kids are going to be at camp I also do not have a curfew lol

PS... I was just looking through your pictures and you look AMAZING Kristie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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on 7/14/11 4:31 am
Topic: RE: Curves for Women?
I am a month out.. and now that I have a bit of a routine going at home when it comes to meals and supliments etc... Im really wanting to incoperate a work out.... (other than walking which I have been trying to do lots of!)

I tried Curves years ago and I remember I really liked it but I was young at the time and didnt use it the way I should have.  Does anyone have any experience with it?  It it worth it .. or should I look into joining a "real gym"? 

Also when is a good time to start?  Do you think a month out is too soon?  I have my one month check up tomorrow so Ill bring it up to the dietician as well....

Thanks in advance

PS. I am down 40lbs!!!
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on 7/12/11 12:31 pm
Topic: RE: 2 MONTH PICS!


just sayin :)

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on 7/10/11 11:21 am
Topic: RE: Acne anyone???
yes!  ive never had really bad skin... but since surgery my face has completely broken out!  if you find out what to do let me know!
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on 7/8/11 3:10 am
Topic: RE: 5 months post op
I've said it before but ill say it again! You are amazimg and my inspiration! I'm so happy for you!
on 7/7/11 6:38 am
Topic: RE: 3 week check up..
The whole appt only lasted about 3 minutes. Dr. Hagen weighed me asked if I had any questions or concerns. I said nope and he says I'm doing great and that I will be very happy I did this. And he wants to see me in 3 months.

So far I have lost 35 pounds... Ive been sitting at that for over a week now.. and although I know its normal it was still nice to have the reassurance that everything was normal and that I'm right on track.  He thinks I should easily lose 30 - 40 pounds in the next 3 months.. and he said he thinks Ill be able to lose 150 pounds no problem :)

Not sure if it was worth the 4 hour round trip but oh well...

I do have not really a concern.. but just something Id like some info on that I forgot to ask him.

I am on my second week of purees.. and everything Ive tried has gone down no problem... now that the physical pain is gone... its almost like I haven't even had surgery! 

Of course I haven't tried to pu**** and I eat slow and measure and go by the guideline.. but I thought Id feel a bit of restriction??  I do remember someone saying that the nerve endings sometimes are cut and you don't have it at first... is this true?  Will it come back?  i really want to have it!!!!!

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on 7/6/11 10:30 am
Topic: RE: Don't forget to say thank-you!
LOVE IT!!!!  what a cutie!!!!!!!   and i just love fingerpainting lol
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on 7/2/11 12:01 pm
Topic: RE: First time in 13 years!!!!!
Today I got on a bike for the first time in 13 years!  It was super hard at first.. and a bit embarrassing.. but I did it, and once I got started it was much easier. Like they say.. "Just like riding a bike!"

My husband was going to buy me this perfect bike for my birthday in May but they didn't have them in stock at the time, so we went today.. and there it was!!!

My husband is such an amazing supporter, and ran along side me the whole time to make sure I didn't fall... I love him soo much!  He tried to get a picture of me while I was riding it, but he couldn't figure out the settings, and I was afraid to stop to show him how thinking I wouldn't be able to start again lol

I do have to admit I think I may have tried a bit too soon... my stomach is hurting a little bit now.. Probably because I was moving in ways I haven't in years! lol

I cant wait to get out there and ride with my kids... One of the many things I was looking forward to doing after the surgery!!!

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on 7/1/11 12:34 am
Topic: RE: LOST 100 lbs - WHOO HOO
SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
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on 6/30/11 12:19 pm
Topic: RE: Worried!!!
Well said.. and those were my thoughts too... even though the pizza was homemade and healthy.. it wasnt what she was supposed to be having... she doesnt want to hear it.. she says it her body.. and youre right .. shes an adult and its her choice, 

I just know for myself ... even though I might not like pureed food... i know its what I have to deal with for a little while for the greater good... you cant give up so easily when youve done so much to get here....  i was just frustrated.. and i guess I shouldnt have said anything ... just venting sorry.
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on 6/30/11 10:26 am
Topic: RE: Worried!!!
I don't want to start trouble or say things when its not my place.. but I know someone who had surgery only 3 weeks ago... and she says she cant handle the purees... so she decided to start real food and made a pizza and had some....

She said it was good and that it stayed down.. but I'm worried that its way to soon for that... especially since I'm only four days behind her and I couldn't imagine eating pizza right now... 

Just wondering if I should say something to her or just leave it alone.. I know its none of my business.. but I feel like shes going to sabotage her pouch...

It just makes me sad.

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on 6/30/11 12:10 am
Topic: RE: OMG Vanilla Optifast Hell
I agree 100% with Kristie.... 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 vanillia mixed together with 500ml of water... nice and cold... thats the only way I could drink them and I also was on them for 3 weeks.  I dont know how else I would have made it through!!!!
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on 6/29/11 12:26 am
Topic: RE: 2 Months
you should call your clinic for sure.. try to get some answers.. and make sure you tell them that its been 2 months!  I really hope you hear something soon!!!
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