Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 8/11/11 10:02 pm
Topic: RE: Protein Powder - need some help
I agree!  Weider Fruit Splash is great... I drink it every day and have for the past two months.. it tastes like the peach juice from M&Ms.....  I have found it at Shoppers and at Walmart and have been told that its at Costco as well.
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on 8/11/11 4:55 am
Topic: RE: 50 pounds gone comparion pics!

I am so glad I took a before picture... you dont really notice until you put yourself now beside what you looked like before... cant wait to do it again when I reach 100 pounds lost!
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on 8/10/11 11:49 pm
Topic: RE: Humber Hospital
I had my surgery at Humber... here is my timeline....

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram, Breathing Tests, Meet Medical Internist
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian & the social worker
April 11/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen to get surgery date
May 19/11 - PATTS  
May 24/11 - Start 3 weeks of Optifast
June 14/11 - Surgery with Dr. Hagen    335 Days from start to finish!

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on 8/10/11 11:43 pm
Topic: RE: It kind of confuses me.....
Roller Derby Boot Camp????  That sounds like soooo much fun!!!!!  Hopefully by this time next year Ill be on my way to doing that!!!!!
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on 8/10/11 3:11 am
Topic: RE: OMG! Got all my appointments!
Thats soo awesome! I felt the same way when I got all of my appointments... its going to fly by now!!! Congrats!!!
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on 8/9/11 11:26 pm, edited 8/9/11 11:27 pm
Topic: RE: MY VERY FIRST NSV X 2!!!!
Yesterday at work a girl came in to book a tattoo appointment that I haven't seen in about 6 months.  She came up to me and says " It looks like you've lost some weight!  You look great!"

It was the first person who didn't know I had surgery to say something!!!!! It made me feel soo good!  I just wanted to shout, YES!!!!  I HAVE LOST WEIGHT!!!!  THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!!!!!!!  lol  but I just said thank you lol

After work I went to the mall with my best friend.  She likes to shop at Rickies... I personally could never shop there because they didn't have my size... but right before we were leaving I thought .. what the heck.. and tried on a pretty pink top., and not only did it fit but it was loose!  It was the biggest size in the store mind you.. but still 2 - 3 times smaller than what I'm used to wearing!!!!

They had a sale on that if you bought one sale item you got another one for a dollar.. so my friend Bre bought it for me as a reward lol

I told her that this was so awesome.. but could turn out to be dangerous.  Ive never really been the type to care about clothes or buy alot... but I could see this turning into a nice little hobby!!!!

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on 8/9/11 6:00 am
Topic: RE: Getting to know you - Stolen from another board
1. I have 8 brothers and sisters plus many step siblings. (Some of which I have never met.)

2. I was put up for adoption when I was 3, along with my older brother and sister.

3. I was reunited with my birth mother when I was 18. She is an amazing person and I consider her one of my best friends. Its hard to believe that Ive had her back for 10 years now!

4. I was married, divorced and had 3 children by the age of 22. But I wouldn't change anything because it has helped to make me who I am today.

5. I have a MILD obsession with John Travolta :)

6. I am covered from head to toe with tattoos and I dont plan on stopping anytime soon!

7. I have a lot of regrets but I try not to dwell on them. You only get one chance at this life and you have to make the most of it.

8. I lost my daughter when I was 17. Sometimes it still feels like yesterday.

9. My kids are my everything, and it scares me to think that one day (in the not so distance future) they will be smarter than me.

10. I am in love with the 1940's and 50's. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong era.

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on 8/9/11 4:10 am
Topic: RE: This made me angry

I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion.. but this made me angry...!/group.php?gid=135540589791511&v=wall
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on 8/7/11 11:56 pm
Topic: RE: 50 pounds gone!!!
So here I am... just about two months since surgery.. and I have finally lost 50 pounds!!  I am in desperate need of new pants... and the shirts that have been in my closet for the past year with tags on them.. that I couldn't button around my middle.. finally fit me.. and loosely!  Its so nice to see the changes.. its really good motivation!

I'm having a bit of issues with food now that didn't really bother me at first.. but Ive heard that your pouch gets a bit more sensitive after a few weeks.  Chicken is really had for me.. maybe because its to dry or dense... and breads.. although Ive only tried wraps.. but they do not sit well at all!  A lot of foods have made me feel sick.. but usually it doesn't do so until about 20 minutes after I finish eating.  That makes it hard to know what I can and cant handle... so Ive pretty much stuck with softer foods that I know I can stomach!!!  I guess I'm just sick of feeling sick...

I keep thinking I'm not loosing as fast as I should be... but according to Dr. Hagen I'm right on track.  When I saw him at one month out.. I had lost 35 pounds.  He expects me to lose another 30 to 40 in the next 3 months and I'm already down 15 more pounds since then.... so I guess I'm on my way lol  But you cant blame me for wanting it to go faster!!!!

Its crazy how many people have contacted me since my surgery to tell me they are thinking about it or have had it too.  I love being able to share my experiences with them, and I hope I am able to give them a bit of insight !!!   Don't get me wrong...  I have a lot of learning to do myself, but its nice to think I might be able to help someone out when I'm only two months post op!!!

Sorry for my ramblings... I'm just trying to work things out in my head!

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on 8/3/11 11:34 am
Topic: RE: treadmill to a good home
Where about are you located?
on 8/2/11 1:56 am
Topic: RE: 6 month check up
Yayayayayay!!! That is just amazing!
on 8/1/11 11:41 am
Topic: RE: Medic Alert ID
I have a medical alert necklace.... And mine says :

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on 7/27/11 8:45 am
Topic: RE: Drinking ?
i always drank vodka and crystal light... so i dont have to worry about the carbonation or sugars... and it was always very watered down.. not to say im gonna go drink tomorrow.. but someday id like to have one lol
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on 7/27/11 5:30 am
Topic: RE: 6 weeks out.. taken from my blog.. sorry if its repetitive!!!
LOL.. you would think so... but its so hard.. im hoping once I get lighter on my feet ill be able to keep up a bit better :)
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on 7/27/11 4:51 am
Topic: RE: Help with avatar picture
Thanks!!  Ive always had a hard time trying to size my pictures right!!!  This is so much easier lol
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on 7/27/11 12:38 am
Topic: RE: 6 week picture...
honestly.. it happened overnight.. dont worry.. one morning soon you will wake up and look in the mirror and be like WOW :)
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on 7/27/11 12:18 am
Topic: RE: 6 weeks out.. taken from my blog.. sorry if its repetitive!!!
So I am about 6 weeks since surgery and Im finally starting to feel back to normal.. or should I say like the new me!  Up until now I hadn't really noticed much change.. but the last few days my pants have been falling off and my shirts are super loose! 

I have lost 45 pounds since I started Optifast.. so in two months... I have been trying to loose that for years lol... I already have more energy.. I cant wait to see how losing another 45 pounds will make me feel!

And real food!  How Ive missed you!  And how I appreciate every bite now!  The first few meals that I measured out made me sad.. looking at my plate with hardly anything on it... thinking to myself that there is no way this will fill me up.. but honestly I hardly ever finish my meals!  I get soo full so fast so I try to make every bite count.  Filling up on my protein first and my veggies... and meal plannings not as hard as I thought it would be.. especially when you can get four meals out of  a piece of chicken lol

Im trying so hard to remember all of my vitamins... Ive set reminders on my phone.. I do forget the odd one here and there.. but there are just so many!  I know how important they are though so I will keep going.

I went to my very first OH support group meeting.. although I actually missed the meeting part and got there just in time for coffee!  It was really great to meet people and put faces to names... I also got to meet 3 of the ladies that I am going to New York with in October for the OH Sex in the City event... here's a "before pic" of the four of us.. cant wait to take another picture in October!

I recently started Zumba for Wii at home.. OMG is it ever hard lol.. maybe its just because I have no rhythm but I'm finding it so hard to keep up even with the instructional parts!  I thought I should try to learn the steps though before signing up for a real class and embarrassing myself! 

It hasn't been the easiest road.. but I'm glad I started this journey!

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on 7/26/11 12:16 pm
Topic: RE: 6 week picture...
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on 7/26/11 11:42 am
Topic: RE: Jennifer_rpn is on the bench!!!
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on 7/25/11 9:22 am, edited 7/25/11 9:23 am
Topic: RE: using rny...even in my dreams
LOL I was sooo the opposite!  While I was on Optifast I would always dream about sitting and eating a whole bag of chips... that would be the dream.. just me sitting there ...eating chip after chip..

I always felt soooo relieved when I woke up because it was just a dream!!!!

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on 7/25/11 8:16 am
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on 7/24/11 5:19 am
Topic: RE: tattoos - did you/will you get one after goal?
I think once I hit my goal .. i will get a pin up.. standing on a scale... making a suprised face.. and having her clothes be too big and falling off her :)
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on 7/24/11 5:15 am
Topic: RE: speaking of tattoos....
EVERYONE ... as soon as they find out that I had RNY.... ask "Whats going to happen to your tattoos???"

I have no idea lol... but I am a month out and 45 pounds lighter... so I will keep you posted!
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on 7/23/11 7:53 am
Topic: RE: tattoos - did you/will you get one after goal?
I personally have more tattoos than I can count.. from my neck down to my feet.. I am covered lol... Some have meanings.. but most of them are just because lol....

I consider it art.. I love it .. I also work at and manage a tattoo shop.. so maybe Im a little bias ;)

I am for sure getting a tattoo when I reach my goal... but I have NO idea as to what... I loved hearing every ones stories though.

As for pain... its not that bad.  Most people would say its more annoying than anything... just something you want to get over with.  Always get it where you want it... not because you think one spot will hurt less.. you will regret it if you settle.

Im more than happy to try and answer any questions people have... just send me a message!  Also check out our website... our Stinger Tattoo facebook group :)

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