Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 9/27/11 1:58 am
Topic: RE: New York Trip?
 i ws just wondering who all was planning on going to the New York Event?  just so know wo to look for !  looking forward to t!
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on 9/26/11 11:14 pm
Topic: RE: Angel Duty for Brandy
Im glad to hear shes doing ok!!!!  Yay Brandy!!!
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on 9/25/11 11:34 pm
Topic: RE: Tattoo or Belly Button Pierced
I have been a piercer for 5 years now.. and I have pierced many women who have had tummy tucks.  Yes there is a chance that it may reject.  Not so much because of lack of blood flow.. but because  your skin is so tight,  there is so much pressure on the bar and it tends to pu**** out.  The only way to know that though is to try to clamp your skin.  You can usually tell if the bar will hold.

As for the tattoo.. there should be no issues.  As long as its not over the scar.

Hope that helps!
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on 9/25/11 2:40 am
Topic: RE: Heart and Stroke Fit for Heart <3

So today was the day!  And what a perfect day it was.. you couldn't have asked for better weather!  We walked for my father in law, who had a heart attack on New Years Eve.  It was a great walk for a great cause and I feel very honored to have been a part of it.

We had the choice to do either two or four km and when the time came I'm super glad we chose four.  It only took us 45 minutes (we had to take a few puppy breaks lol) and I was feeling great by the end of it!  I wouldn't even have considered doing this last year.. and now I cant wait to do it again!  Hoping to be ready for the 10 km Persechini run in April!!!!
Pedro and I ready to walk!
My husband ready to go.. Im so glad he came with us
And were off...

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on 9/24/11 6:21 am, edited 9/24/11 6:26 am
Topic: RE: NSV's out the wahzoo!!!!
 So I bought a treadmill a few days ago and so far... Even though it has only been 4 days... I absolutely love it! I've been getting up early every morning and walking pretty fast for 30 minutes, working up my heart rate.. Not to mention a good sweat!   It seems to set the tone for each day and keeps me motivated to walk to and from work and try harder to get all of my protein and water in. I'm excited to see where this will take me!    

I also have the Heart and Stroke Fit for Heart run tomorrow morning and I'm so excited to do this! I know its only 4 km... And its walking.. But that's far for me lol plus its for a good cause.  

Last night my husband and I had a date night, and without going into too much detail... I had an awesome NSV! We have a jet tub at home.. Its deep but narrow and we decided to attempt to have a bubble bath together... And we both fit, comfortably I might add! Never would I have thought that the two of us could get in there together, when only 4 months ago I could hardly get in and out myself! He also spoiled me with a back massage and for the first time in forever it didn't hurt! And that is a huge deal since I've had chronic back pain for the past 10 years.  

Also, my best friend moved last weekend and was going through all of her clothes and passed on a few things to me that don't fit her. She gave me a few pairs of size 18 and 20 jeans as well as a few tops and a fall jacket.    I tried on a pair of the size 20 jeans and they fit! As did the others. In just over 3 months I have gone from a size 28 to a size 20!!!! Crazy! I am down almost 70 pounds and starting to feel really good! Days like this make all the sickness, thinning hair and bad days worth it!   

Things can only go up from here!
(Except the scale that is!)
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on 9/24/11 12:39 am
Topic: RE: last shift
You got this chick!  I know you are gonna rock this!  Cant wait to see you go through this!!!!
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on 9/21/11 11:41 pm
Topic: RE: staying on track
LOL.. my new WLS theme song!!!!!   Love it.. and i totally remember this from when I was a kid!
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on 9/21/11 11:01 am
Topic: RE: Just Keep Walking
So Ive been having a rough few weeks... My pouch hasn't been agreeing with me lately, and hearing about Wendy's death has put me in a pretty low place.  

That being said, Ive been trying to push forward and focus on the positives.  My brother-in-law and I have decided to be gym buddies and I am really excited about it.  Were going to look into spinning classes, and they have a pool and Zumba. 

I also bought a treadmill today.. used but like brand new! (gotta love Kijiji !!)  I tried it out and I love it already!  I have been walking so much more lately.. back and forth to work and evening walks with the puppy. I know though that winter is coming and with winter comes snow and ice.  And anyone who knows me knows that I am horrible with ice!  I'm excited to use my treadmill, and I promise it will not become a clothes hanger!

My brother-in-law also invited me to join him this Sunday to participate in the Heart and Stroke Fit for Heart Walk.  Something I never would have even considered doing a year ago!  I'm looking forward to it and I'm glad its for a good cause that hits close to home.  My husband is coming with us too so I think its going to be a great day!  Jay you are a good influence on me!!!

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on 9/19/11 6:36 am
Topic: RE: Alcohol.....
I feel like I should know the answer to this.. but why is it that when we drink post op, we get drunk so much faster and stay drunk for so much longer on such small amounts.... I was trying to explain it to my boss today.. but I honestly couldnt think of why
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on 9/19/11 12:31 am
Topic: RE: Feeling really sad about photomom :(
So sad.  My heart goes out to her family and children.  Having two young children of my own.. it really makes you step back and re evaluate your own journey.
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on 9/19/11 12:29 am
Topic: RE: Protein bars
I really like the Atkins bars.. high in protein.. low in sugar and not as many carbs as a lot of bars out there.. and they taste really good!
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on 9/13/11 12:24 am
Topic: RE: A few of my LEAST favorite things. (long)
I think this lack of food is making me super emotional.. cuz here I go crying again lol... thank you everyone for the kind words
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on 9/12/11 11:44 pm
Topic: RE: A few of my LEAST favorite things. (long)
So here I am, tomorrow I will be 3 months post surgery.  I am down 65 pounds, but I have been sitting at that for about two weeks now... I think I have hit a bit of a stall... and I know it happens.. but its always frustrating.

I read every book, blog, pamphle****ched every educational video I could find... I tried to mentally prepare myself for this life change.. and I was ready... everyone including the doctors and dietitians said I was too.  But until you are actually going through this.. you have NO IDEA how hard it is. 

Ive had a few people ask me if I regret having the surgery.  I usually tell them to ask me in three more months... because right now I don't really know.  I do love the weight loss, and the better mobility already.. but there are just SO many things that are happening to me right now that make me want to cry.

I know I have talked about this before but its such a big deal right now... I have always had really thick hair, except for at the front.. (a bit of a receding hairline!)  I have always been able to hid it with my bangs, but this past month I have lost SO much hair that its really getting hard to hide it and its really freaking me out.  Ive never really thought much about my appearance.. but I always loved my hair... and now its going away... It has made me cry on more than one occasion when I'm brushing or washing my hair and it is coming out in clumps.

My family and I were visiting my mom and dad on the long weekend, and I was fine for the most part.. there was always something I could eat... but when we would take the kids for ice cream, or stop at the chip truck... I miss being included... Not so much missing the food.. I just miss being part of it.  And it makes me resentful.. and I know its not fair to my family because this was MY choice.  I also missed sitting around the fire having drinks with my husband.  I cant wait for winter to get here so I don't miss social drinking so much.

Vitamins. I knew going into this that I would have to take vitamins for life. What I didn't know was how gross they would be and how hard it was going to be to remember to take them all!  Ive even set reminders on my phone so I don't forget .. but somehow I manage to miss at least two almost every day.  And boy do I ever miss Advil... I'm sure there are ladies who can sympathize with me lol... Sometimes I just want to curl up in a ball and die!

Protein is another one of those things that keeps getting away from me. No matter how much I try to have.. its never enough.  I bought some different types of protein bars, hoping to boost it a bit.

Ive been getting sick lately too.  I know its my own fault... I cant seem to eat slow enough or chew well enough or take small enough bites.  My family has always been fast eaters.. that's a 30 year habit that's hard to break.  I really don't like throwing up at work though.. I get so embarrassed that I almost don't want to eat there... but that's what got me into this mess in the first place.

I'm sorry for being such a downer... its just been a hard few weeks.  Everyone tells me things will get easier, and I'm sure they will.

And I don't want anyone to be discouraged by reading this.. especially if you are going through this journey too.. but I promised that I would be honest and I think its best to know the good and the bad.. its not all sunshine and rainbows over here!

That being said.. the past few days I have really been focusing on my vitamins, water and protein.. trying not to get distracted.. it really is a full time job!  I go to HRRH on Friday for my 3 month check up... hopefully the dietician will have some words of wisdom for me!

One day at a time.

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on 9/12/11 11:45 am
Topic: RE: You're invited to join us in Long Island, NY!
 cant wait!
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on 9/12/11 3:13 am
Topic: RE: Atkins Advantage?
i havent tried any bars yet.. just looking for options.. thanks for the info.. im gonna check them out tonight.. ill let you know lol
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on 9/12/11 3:03 am
Topic: RE: Atkins Advantage?
Does anyone know where I can buy Atkins advantage protein bars?  Im trying to boost my protein since I cant seem to get enough in... they are low in carbs so I thought they might be a good option?  Any reviews lol
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on 9/2/11 5:56 pm
Topic: RE: are you on facebook......
 my link is in my signsture... but you cam find me under Amy Dollface Feltham
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on 8/27/11 12:12 am
Topic: RE: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
First.. the good!

I am down 60 pounds in just under 3 months.  I have been waiting to say this but I have finally lost the equivalent to an elephants penis LOL      I am down 3 pant sizes.  I had to get rid of all of my jeans... even my favorite pair because they just wouldn't stay on anymore!  I can cross my legs again... almost comfortably lol... but I can do it none the less...

The bad....

My hair is falling out like CRAZY!!!!!   Every morning I dread having my shower for fear of my hair coming out in handfuls.  I knew it was coming.. Ive read lots about it and I know it doesn't last forever and that it will grow back.. but it still freaks me out and I'm scared that I'm going to go bald... I may just have to start investing in wigs or bandannas!!!!

Also ... I tried an alcoholic drink.  I had a shot of vodka mixed with a glass of water and crystal light.  Only 56 calories.. no fat, no sugar, no carbs... but man did it ever hit me!  I felt fine after the first one... and I thought I could handle one more.. but I didn't even get half way through it before feeling completely drunk and passing out!!!   So I am definitely a very cheap drunk!  Not something I plan on repeating either.. I hate that feeling!

The ugly.

I haven't been feeling very good.  I will have one good day, where I can eat no problem... but then Ill have 2 or 3 days where its uncomfortable to even drink.  My pouch feels tight (normal I'm sure) and no matter how slow I eat and how much I chew it feels like it gets stuck and I can never finish.  It is really uncomfortable.  I hope it passes.. I hope its just part of the process.. because if not I'm going to be a really cranky Amy!!!!

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on 8/26/11 11:53 pm
Topic: RE: I did it! I did it! (picture included)
Great job, good placement.. and perfect size!  You dont want to get one two small or it will look like crap in 5 years... so Im glad you chose there instead of your wrist!

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on 8/24/11 12:20 am
Topic: RE: Got my date to meet my surgeon Dr.Hagen.....Sept 7th
I had my surgery with Dr. Hagen in June... he is wonderful.. and the best of the best at HRRH :)  you are in great hands!  He definately is straight to the point.. but very warm hearted and makes you feel super comfortable!  Congrats!!!!
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on 8/22/11 11:51 pm
Topic: RE: Another thread about questions
I agree with what everyone else has said lol... I have worked at Stinger Tattoo for 5 years now and there are definitely things to look out for.

Definitely check out their portfolios.  Besides word of mouth and seeing others with their work on them, its the only way to know how they are.  Ask lots of questions.. how long they have been tattooing, etc.

I know at our shop, most of our artists use disposable everything.  Needles, ink, ink caps, tools.  The only thing that is not prepackaged and one use are the tubes, which are put through a three - step sterilization process and put in an autoclave that goes up to 132c.  Our autoclave gets tested every two weeks and the pass gets put on a plaque at the front of the shop.

If you are worried about it, most shops should have no problem showing you the area that they use to clean and sterilize the equipment and go over the procedure with you.

I suggest just putting "Philippians 3:13-14" on your wrist.. lettering should not be done too small.. so trying to put the whole verse might be too much.. but it is personal preference.

I have a friend named Kris that works Way Cool in the beaches.. hes really good :)  or you can make the trip to Newmarket to our shop because we are the best lol.. but I may be a little bias!

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on 8/22/11 11:36 pm
Topic: RE: 60 KM Run in 30 days - Day 22 update!
Youre doing so great!!!!!  At this point I dont think I could run for more than 2 minutes let alone 1.5 km!!!!! 
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on 8/13/11 7:57 am
Topic: RE: spaghetti squash with ground chicken meat sauce
what a great idea!!!!!!  thanks lol
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on 8/11/11 11:56 pm
Topic: RE: Bad Night....
So I promised myself that when I decided to write this blog I would be honest.. and share not just the good but the bad.

Well last night, I had a bad moment.  Yesterday was my sons 9th birthday.  We have a tradition that the birthday person gets to decide what they want for dinner...  I have been sooo good at keeping bad foods out of the house, and eating really healthy at home at at work... but it was his birthday and he wanted Chinese food.

At first I was just going to send my husband and the kids out to eat.. but we decided that it would be cheaper just to order in.  Long story short... I convinced myself that I have been so good and able to keep my foods down pretty well so I should be able to have a bit of Chinese food for his birthday dinner.... boy was I wrong!   After about 10 minutes my chest started to hurt and my mouth started to fill with saliva... and then out of no where.. every piece of Chinese food I ate... came right back up.

I felt soo stupid, especially because my husband already warned me and told me it probably wasn't a good idea to try it.  I had a bit of a melt down after.  I'm seeing these amazing changes in how I feel and look and I went to such great measures to make sure I wouldn't eat crap like that anymore... and what do I do?  I was so mad at myself.. but in one way I think I was crying over the fact that I cant eat it... I know its crap but I really used to like Chinese food.

I know most people wont understand this.. but its like taking an alcoholic and putting all sorts of drinks in front of them and telling them not to touch them while everyone around them drinks it in front of them.

And its not like I'm starving.. or even hungry.. its all in my head.  I think I want it.. but I know I don't.  I can keep food out of my house.. but I'm going to face these challenges along the way... I have to figure out a better way to deal with it.

The only good thing that came out of the experience is that my pouch is actually working thankfully and I cant eat the bad stuff.

Ive said it before... the good of this surgery will always outweigh the bad...but that was not fun.  I learned from it though.. and I'm ready to move on..

Today is a new day.

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on 8/11/11 10:04 pm
Topic: RE: protein powder or skim milk powder
  Weider Fruit Splash is great... I drink it every day and have for the past two months.. it tastes like the peach juice from M&Ms.....  I have found it at Shoppers and at Walmart and have been told that its at Costco as well.
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