Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 4/5/11 11:16 pm
Topic: RE: WELL....drum roll please!
so exciting!!!   I have my last appointment on Monday with Dr. Hagen... I was told to bring money for my optifast so Im hoping my date wont be too far behind yours!!!!   This last week has been a killer on my patience hahaha
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on 4/5/11 1:03 pm
hahahahaha... awesome!!!!
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on 4/5/11 9:43 am
thank you!
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on 4/5/11 9:23 am
there is a member on here who has an awesome tagline that has to do with drama liamas... anyone know what it is lol.. i cant remember and Id love to use it right now :)
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on 4/5/11 4:35 am
Topic: RE: What is your least noble reason for wanting to lose weight?
I know one of the reasons my first marriage failed was because my ex stopped finding me attractive.  (He was an ass regardless... and I couldnt be happier now that it didnt work out) 

This past summer I married my soul mate.. who loves me for me.. no matter what I look like...

that being said,,,  I cant wait for the day that my ex comes to pick up the kids and is like WOW...

he didnt want me back then,,,  and hes sure doesnt deserve me now!!!!!!

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on 3/31/11 11:19 am
Topic: RE: OT- attention *****ing photos from my wedding.
I absolutely LOVE your headpiece... i had something similar.. but on a smaller scale...  Beautiful wedding....  I just got married in July.. and Im sure ill want a do over in a few years lol
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on 3/31/11 7:09 am
Topic: RE: Humber River
For me it was 6 months to the day from my referal to my first call... but since then it has moved along pretty quickly... and I am at Humber... I go on the 11 of april to get my date :).. here is my timeline.... but i think its a bit different for everyone....

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
Feb 17/11 - Meeting with Medical Internist
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian & the social worker
April 11/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen to get surgery date

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on 3/30/11 10:52 pm
Topic: RE: Dr Shirkin
Hes a great man, and quite the talker :)   I saw him after I had the sleep study and other tests done.. and the results were  great so maybe thats why he was in such a good mood lol...  He said, "Id like to help you.. but youre not sick.. I wish i could say that to all my patients :)

Good Luck!
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on 3/27/11 1:42 pm
Topic: RE: Today was a good day!!!
Today was a good day :)   A lady came into the shop today.. her name is Hazel and she has been getting tattooed and pierced by us for years.  She is one of the most unique wonderful ladies I have ever met.  Whenever she would come into the shop it would make me smile.
She wanted me to re pierce her navel, since she had had a tummy tuck.  We determined that it wasn't too tight so we were able to do it.  She told me that a few years ago she had the gastric banding done.. and that's why she had the panni done.  I told her that I was having the bypass done in a few months... and she told me that after the band didn't work for her (it made her sick alot) that she had it reversed and went on to have the gastric bypass.  It ends up that she had hers done at the same hospital, and dealt with the same doctor during recovery that I am having do my surgery.     It was SO nice to talk to someone who has gone through the same thing... who knows what I'm talking about when I mention the pouch and B12 strips lol  She had such a good experience, and had great things to say about her surgery and the hospital... its really uplifting to hear.  Now that I am two weeks away from getting my date... I am starting to get nervous and even questioning my decision a little bit.. so to hear Hazels experience... that just reaffirmed my decision...
We exchanged emails and phone numbers, and she told me that she will be my bypass buddy lol...  
So she came in for a piercing.. and I got a new friend in return :)
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on 3/24/11 12:54 am
Topic: RE: Just me, brain fart here today
Here you go :)
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on 3/23/11 11:49 pm
Topic: RE: Gastric Bypass Class
I went by myself, but a lot of people there had spouses or friends with them.. they just had to sit out of the way.  Ours was about two hours but I guess they say 3 just depending on questions and discussions.  It was really informative and they give you a really good booklet to take home that gives you soo many good ideas for the stages of meals... also about what types of vitamins to buy etc....  that was at HRRH though.. im sure each place is different.
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on 3/22/11 12:44 am
Topic: RE: Nurse and Social WorkerAppt.
I just had my appointments last week.. if you go to my page you can read my blog.. I talked about what we went over.. hope it helps!
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on 3/21/11 11:23 pm
Topic: RE: What to put on a MedicAlert Bracelet...
we have done a few medical alert tattoos.. and they always come out good.  I thought about it.. but unfortunately my arms are too full lol
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on 3/18/11 11:08 pm
Topic: RE: 50lbs gone for good!
Thats so awesome Traci!!!!  YAY!!! 
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on 3/17/11 12:51 pm
Topic: RE: What comes next? HRRH
Here is my timeline for HRRH...  hope it puts you at ease a bit..  I got the call the day after the Orientation for my appointments.. and saw my Dr. the day after that! its going really fast now!!!

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian
March 21/11 - Appt with the social worker
April 11/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen to get surgery date

on 3/17/11 12:10 pm
If you go to my profile I write a blog and explained more about what we talked about!
on 3/17/11 11:34 am
Thank you, and yes .. my husband was able to come with me today.. and I was glad to have him with me.. but I have gone to some appointments alone and they were fine!
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on 3/17/11 10:52 am
I had an appointment to see the Dietitian today and fortunately there was a cancellation so I was able to see the Social Worker as well!   Both appointments were great and I am cleared for surgery!  I go to see Dr. Hagen on April 11th to get my surgery date and was told to bring $300 in cash for my Optifast...

Im soooo excited to finally have a light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

*a word of advice for anyone going to see the Dietitian and Social worker.  Do your homework.  Learn as much about the surgery as you can before you go!!!! Im glad I did!!!!

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on 3/16/11 3:17 am
Topic: RE: I think I'm addicted!
I agree 100%..  this is a really great site and I have learned so much.. and met some great people along the way!
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on 3/16/11 3:12 am
Topic: RE: New - going to HRRH - Timeline?
July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian
March 21/11 - Appt with the social worker

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on 3/11/11 12:37 am
Topic: RE: HRRH Timeline?
Here is my timeline so far....

July 15/10 - Referral from my family doctor
Jan 31/11 - Orientation at Humber River Hospital
Feb 2/11 - Appt with Dr. Hagen (Surgeon)
Feb 9/11 - Sleep Study
Feb 15/11 - Gastric Bypass Class
Feb 17/11 - Echo-cardiogram and Breathing Tests
March 17/11 - Appt with the Dietitian
March 21/11 - Appt with the social worker

And I am really hoping that the surgery date comes sooooonnnn after lol
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on 3/10/11 8:53 am
Topic: RE: how to tell daughter about WLS when she is overweight
My 10 year old is also overweight.  I told her about the surgery without thinking of how it would affect her.  She has since then made comments about eatting whatever she wants now because she can just get the fat cut off when shes older... shes a smart girl... too smart.

Im hoping that once i do have the surgery and she sees what i have to go through it will help her too.  Im not just having this done for me.. but for my kids... and this way we will all eat better... I can honestly say that if I cant have the bad food .. neither can they lol
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on 3/10/11 8:41 am
Topic: RE: I Got A Call!
Thats soo awesome!!!!   And that gives me hope lol... i go to meet the Dietitian and social worker next week.. and i was wondering how long it would take to get my last appointment!  Hopefully I get good news like you lol
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on 3/9/11 9:28 am
Topic: RE: Appointment Timeline....
Hey everyone!

Im going to see the Dietitian and Social worker next week... those are my last appointments.  Im having RNY at HRRH with Dr. Hagen, but I dont have a date yet.  I was just wondering how long it took people to get their date after all of their appointments were finished....

i know its different for everyone.. but I was just curious

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on 3/2/11 10:33 am
Topic: RE: Protein Shakes and Bars?????
thanks for all the ideas!!!
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