Dollface-1981’s Posts

on 6/18/12 7:38 am
 Thanks everyone!!!!! It's all of your encouragement that has kept me going :)
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on 6/17/12 5:33 am


  Friday was my one year anniversary of my Gastric Bypass surgery. I've been trying to find the right way to express what this year has meant to me but it's so hard to put into words!    I can't believe how fast a year can go by! I remember how slow time went while I was waiting for my surgery. I spent so many hours researching it and talking to people who had it done. I remember looking longingly at other peoples before and after pictures wishing it was me... And now I have my own :)    I have lost 155 pounds. I am no longer obese according to the BMI (now I am just over weight.) but I'll take that over super morbidly obese any day!!! I have reached my surgeons goal and I am 4 pounds away from my personal goal that I set for myself last year but I'm pretty happy where I'm at right now!     Before Pic - May 2011 - 334 pounds After Pic - June 2012 - 180 pounds

    It has been a LONG HARD year full of ups and downs... An emotional roller coaster you might say. There were many times when I thought I made the wrong choice because I was so sick. Times when I mourned the food I couldn't eat and times when I envied my family for the foods they could.     Once I had my gall bladder taken out though, I started to feel better and realized that was most of the reason I was so sick. I felt much happier after that and my attitude changed for the better.   I have done so many things this past year that I never would have if I hadn't had RNY.  I have met so many wonderful people... Some in person, some online. The Bariatric Bad Girls Club has been amazing online support for me and through them I have made so many new friends. Ive said it before but its so nice to know that there are people out there who know EXACTLY what you are going through.  I got a tattoo to show that I will be a Bariatric Bad Girl for life :)

  I'm more active then I have ever been. I never would have walked 10km before and I did it last month with my daughter without even breaking a sweat :)  My confidence has grown so much.    I stand taller and take more pride in my appearance.   Although I am finding it hard to lose the big girl mind frame!  I still buy clothes that are too big ( I am trying to learn to try things on).  I also still pull my seat belt out as far as possible hoping it will do up even though I know it will, and I still suck in and try to squeeze by people when there is at least 3 feet between us because I still think I'll bump them! And I still avoid sitting on plastic chairs and stools because I think I will break them lol    I am dealing with the consequences of rapid weight loss and all of the loose skin. I don't like how my body looks but I can say I'm getting used to it.  When all is said and done I am happier now floppy skin and all :)    I know I have repeated myself a few times here but I just wanted to recap everything.  I am not perfect and I have made mistakes. This is an on going learning process and I still have to take it one day at a time. I still eat too fast.. Sometimes too much and not always the right choices.. But I pay for it and I learn from it and I try to do better.     I know my weight loss journey isn't over... Really just beginning but I couldn't have even gotten this far without my family and friends and their never ending support.      I am so lucky to be surrounded by love and I am so thankful for this second chance.

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on 5/22/12 3:30 am
Topic: RE: Arm Lift advice???
I am almost a year out, and I am starting to thing about cosmetic surgery as my body did not bounce back at all lol  I can deal with my stomach and boobs.. those can be covered.. but now that the summer is here.. the batwings have to go!!!

I got an estimate from a doctor in Newmarket... $5661 + HST

Does that sound right?  Has anyone else had it done in the GTA?  Maybe you could let me know what you paid or who your doctor was? 

Im not sure what the going rate is for something like this lol

Any info would be appriceiated!
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on 4/9/12 2:43 am
Topic: RE: ONEDERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PIC


  I have spent the last week in Stirling with my mom and dad because my grandmother pasted away last Sunday.  She was waiting for her ride to Church and she had a heart attack.  She was 82 years old.  The funeral was on Wednesday, the second one I had been to in two weeks.

It was really hard for me to watch my mother and all of my Aunts, Uncles and cousins while they were so upset.  I wish I had been able to know her better.. we didn't meet until I was 18 years old.  I am very thankful for the memories that we did have.  

In the days following the funeral though, I heard so many funny, touching stories about her and my family.  I couldn't get enough of going through the old family pictures and I was just soaking it all in!! I felt very privileged to have known her at all, and I am so thankful for my family.

Staying with my parents is my favorite place in the world to be.  Its where I got married, its where all of my childrens summer memories are made.  It makes me feel safe and relaxed, something that was very much welcomed this week!
Eating when you are away is hard enough after Gastric Bypass... but eating while away, while you are emotional.. and while it is Easter weekend.. is near impossible!!!!  I had a few slips, felt sick a few times, but over all I believe I did pretty darn good! I wasn't able to check my weight the whole time I was gone, so by the time I got home I was dying to know how much I was!

I stepped on the scale this morning and this is what I saw:

Thats right... ONEDERLAND!!!!  I have gone from 334lbs to 198lbs in 10 months :)  I couldn't be happier, and if I was to stay at this weight for the rest of my life I would be content!

  Also I have nothing but wonderful things to say about crocheting!  I love it, and my mother-in-law recently taught me a new technique that I like, and I learned how to make headbands, and flowers! (thank you YouTube!)

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on 3/28/12 4:22 am, edited 3/28/12 4:23 am
Topic: RE: Struggles.......
I haven't blogged in a few weeks.  Mostly because I have been away from the computer but also because I wasn't sure how to write about this. 
On March 9th my brother-in-law Brady was in a horrific train accident. My husband and I spent a week in London with his parents and brother while Brady was in a coma. On March 15th, Brady was taken off life support and passed away.
It was one of the most devastating and trying weeks of our lives. It was so hard to watch my husband and his family go through this.. My heart still breaks for them, especially my mother-in-law.  I know first hand what it is like to lose a child... Even though it was different ... I know that hurt.  I wish there was something I could do or say to take their pain away or at least make it less.. But I know there are no words.  
My sister Kristy and my brother-in-law Brian were such an amazing help while we were in London. They opened their home to us, had many late night talks with us and sat with us while we cried. My nephew Jackson was the best medicine for our sadness and repeatedly cheered us up. I am so thankful to have such a loving family. 
I just want to say that Mike and his family are one of the strongest families I know. Even though making some unbelievably hard decisions, and being there with Brady while they took him off life support... They were strong. Through the process of planning a funeral and saying goodbye... They were so strong. I have so much love and respect for them and I am so thankful they allowed me to be there with them through this no matter  how hard it was. 
I also wanted to say thank you for the crazy amount of love and support that was given to the family and myself over the past few weeks. It was truly overwhelming and so appreciated!  

I struggled the past few weeks with my eating. I found it hard to get all of my protein in (hospital food) but more than that... I found myself wanting my comfort food. 
My husband may get mad for giving this analogy but when he is stressed or in a situation like that he tends to drink to help relax him. I am not much of a drinker.   Though I never considered myself an emotional eater.. I did tend to gravitate towards certain foods in stressful situations but since having gastric bypass I no longer have the ability to comfort myself through food. I did try a few times to be honest.. One day I had a bowl of soup and I forced down a whole tea biscuit... Which did not end well... 
There were a few times that I ended up making myself sick over the wrong choices. I was hard for me mentally to deal with what was happening so I tried to focus on my husband and family and tried to make  sure they were eating and doing alright.   In the future I am defiantly going to have to find a better way of coping!!!
I was away from the gym again for almost two weeks, and I'm finding it harder and harder to get back into the routine every time I get out of it.. And that was what I was afraid of when I started!  
Even though I am still losing, it has slowed down so much and I am fighting with these last 3 pound to push me under 200.  I've gone back to making my lunches and trying really hard to get my vitamins and protein in... Heading to the gym today after work so I'm hoping to break this stall ASAP!
I went to the dentist last week, and I had a bit of a breakdown in the office. It turns out that I have extreme bone loss in my teeth due to gastric bypass. It was explained to me that I am like a patient with Lupus. My body is low on nutrients, it is trying to take them from where ever it can.. Including my teeth. 
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow for blood work etc, and another dentist appointment on Friday for more X-rays and lord know what else. I'm very nervous to say the least. 
It's been a long road... And continues to be. I am ecstatic about losing so much weight... But there sure is a lot more that goes along with it.

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on 3/4/12 12:41 am
Topic: RE: Walk From Obesity in Ontario???
I wouldnt know where to start to coordinate something like this!  I will still look into it and I will talk to Humber when I am there for my next visit.  I am going to be involved in the EasterSeals Run/Walkathon on May 27th in Newmarket... if anyone would like to join my team and walk with us we would love to have you!!!
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on 3/3/12 10:26 pm
Topic: RE: Walk From Obesity in Ontario???
 I do the walk for heart and stroke but I thought the walkfrom obesity was a great idea
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on 3/3/12 8:44 pm
Topic: RE: Walk From Obesity in Ontario???
 Quite a few of my friends in the States are involved in the walk from obesity. Where they raise money for awareness and research and each state has a walk. Does anyone know of something like that in Canada? It's something I would love to be involved with since it hits so close to home. Here's the link for the one in the states:
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on 3/2/12 12:50 am
Topic: RE: Oh My Knees!!!

  I find it so hard to understand why when I was over 300 pounds my knees were fine, but now that I'm almost half that my knees are killing me :(  I always had issues with my lower back, hips and feet.. but my knees were fine. In the past month the pain is really really bad at times.  I know it may be because I'm working out, and walking so much but I thought that should help me feel better not make it worse!  Hopefully it will work itself out!  I'm so happy to be back working out, I hate that my knees are slowing me down.. especially with Zumba... but I will work through the pain!!!  Here is a picture that a friend sent me, and anyone who has done Zumba can identify with this !!!

When I was at Curves this morning I ran into my Grade School bus driver.  You know how there are those people that you meet that just really leave an impression on you?  She was one of those people.  She would drive us from Mount Albert to Stouffville Christian School and back everyday for years... 45 minutes each way.  I used to have severe bus sickness on a weekly basis, and she never got mad!  She would give us pizza parties on the bus for Christmas and Easter etc, and would play music.  She had a lot of patience that's for sure! It was really nice to have the chance, 20 years later how much I appreciated her and how she was my favorite bus driver!

For years and years I have wanted to learn how to knit and crochet.  I finally decided it was time after a lady from my support group was posting pictures of the things that she was making.  So my son and I went to Michaels and bought yarn, knitting needles, crochet hooks, and paint by numbers. I looked it up on Youtube how to crochet and it was much easier than I thought it would be!  (at least the beginner stuff lol) 

I have also found that it is a great distraction!  Lately, I have been guilty of mindless snacking in the evenings.  I am so good all day long but when I get home from work I want to snack (not on bad things but just on food in general)  I know I'm not hungry at all.. its just old habits strung from boredom.  But if I keep my hands and mind busy, that doesn't happen!  So crocheting, knitting and painting seem to be working.  Its good to have a hobby!!! Its also made the kids interested so its fun that we can do it together. 

I posted some pictures of my progress, and I cant believe how many of my friends are into knitting etc!  I guess we are the next generation of the sewing circle!  I suggested we should start up a knitting club.. who knows ;)

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on 2/27/12 5:51 am
Topic: RE: Good Times :) Most Resent Pictures


  I've been back to the gym now for a week and I'm sooo happy to be there! The first day was brutal but by the second I was feeling much more like myself.  It's probably the best stress reliever I've ever had and when I'm done a workout I feel so relaxed. I highly recommend it!!
So a few days ago my husband and I ordered thai food. It's my special treat that we get once in a blue moon and I've been fine with it. But for some reason it DID NOT agree with me and boy o boy did I ever dump!! I don't know if it has to do with the lack of gallbladder... But I will now be crossing Thai food off my list. Someone made a comment and it totally applie to me that day... And many others:
My stomach sounds like I swallowed Chewbacca.
I find that once something makes me dump I have no desire to have it again!!! At least it's good to know that my pouch is still working!  There are times when it doesn't even feel like I've had surgery. 
My husband had his 25th Birthday party on the weekend and what a blast! We had such a great time and soo many of our friends came out to share it with us. It was one of the best nights I've had in a really really long time. I had 3 drinks that night (crystal light mixed with a little vodka) Only 50 calories per drink. 
The problem was that I had all three drinks within the first hour or so. I was feeling pretty tipsy so I stopped drinking and for the rest of the night stuck to just crystal light. I was glad I did and I still had just as much fun as if I was drinking! I hate the feeling of being out of control and anyone who has had the gastric bypass can tell you how fast that can happen!! One glass of wine and I'm slurring my words and can't walk straight!!!!
Everyone seemed to have a great time though and my house came through unscathed !! Nothing broken and no drama... I may consider doing it again sometime... Maybe next year lol even though I stopped drinking... I'm way to old to be staying up till 4am.  I'm still feeling the effects of it!
I can't even express enough how kind everyone was and how grateful I am for all the wonderful things they were saying to me about my weight loss. I know I've touched on this topic before but I still find it so awkward !! As much as I really do love to hear it and it means so much... I don't know how to respond without blushing and looking away. I say thank you but i don't want to come across conceited...  It actually makes me embarrassed.  People tell me I'll get used to it but I'm not so sure!
I'm really liking the fact that I've been able to pre make my meals for the week. It's been a god send!  Keeps me from worrying about how much protein I need and how much I've eaten. Everything is cooked and measured in the fridge. Stress free!
The other thing that has been a godsend to me is my iPhone !  Being able to listen to music... Not only can it be inspiring and uplifting but it makes me WANT to walk places!  And I've been downloading really fast songs with a good beat... It makes me walk even faster!! One of the songs I've been in love with lately is "I'm Not Afraid" by Eminem. Even though he has a bit of a potty mouth I feel like I can connect with many parts. 
[Chorus:] I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid) To take a stand (to take a stand) Everybody (everybody) Come take my hand (come take my hand) We'll walk this road together, through the storm Whatever weather, cold or warm Just lettin you know that, you're not alone Holla if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)
[Intro (during Chorus):] Yeah, it's been a ride I guess I had to, go to that place, to get to this one Now some of you, might still be in that place If you're trying to get out, just follow me I'll get you there
You could try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causin mayhem When I say I'ma do somethin I do it, I don't give a damn what you think, I'm doin this for me, so **** the world Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if it thinks it's stoppin me I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly And all those who look down on me I'm tearin down your balcony No if ands or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he From "Infinite" down to the last "Relapse" album he's still ****tin, whether he's on salary paid hourly Until he bows out or he ****s his bowels out of him Whichever comes first, for better or worse He's married to the game, like **** you for Christmas His gift is a curse, forget the Earth, he's got the urge to pull his dick from the dirt, and **** the whole universe
Okay quit playing with the scissors and **** and cut the crap I shouldn't have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it's a rap You said you was king, you lied through your teeth, for that Fuck your feelings, instead of gettin crowned you're gettin capped And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact Let's be honest, that last "Relapse" CD was ehhh Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground Relax, I ain't goin back to that now All I'm tryin to say is get back, click-clack, blaow Cause I ain't playin around It's a game called circle and I don't know how, I'm way too up to back down But I think I'm still tryin to figure this crap out Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn't, this ****** black cloud still follows, me around but it's time to exorcise these demons These mother******s are doin jumpin jacks now!
And I just can't keep living this way So starting today, I'm breaking out of this cage I'm standing up, I'ma face my demons I'm manning up, I'ma hold my ground I've had enough, now I'm so fed up Time to put my life back together right now! (now)
It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me Admittedly, I probably did it subliminally for you, so I could come back a brand new me you helped see me through And don't even realize what you did, believe me you I been through the ringer, but they could do little to the middle finger I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of my world, haters can make like bees with no stingers and drop dead, no more beef flingers No more drama from now on, I promise to focus solely on handlin my responsibilities as a father So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof, like my daughters and raise it, you couldn't lift a single shingle on it! Cause the way I feel, I'm strong enough to go to the club or the corner pub, and lift the whole liquor counter up Cause I'm raising the bar I'd shoot for the moon but I'm too busy gazin at stars I feel amazing

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on 2/21/12 3:46 am
Topic: RE: Happy Days :)
 It was my daughters 11th  birthday yesterday so we had a big party for her Sunday night. We took her and 8 of her friends to the movies and then she had a few friends sleep over. It was a long night but better than I expected it to be! Thankfully I had my husband there to help... I'm so glad he came!  I'm still in awe of how I fit into the seats at the movies... Makes me smile every time.      Also I went to the bank last weekend and the cashier asked me if I had a sister who worked with me at Stinger.. LoL she didn't realize it was me :) Thats starting to happen quite a bit now and it makes me laugh. Its a good motivator !!!   I'm finally headed back to the gym tomorrow and I'm super excited about it!  It's been too long and I'm glad to be back into my routine.    I cooked up a storm yesterday... Made homemade ground turkey pasta sauce and used spaghetti squash instead of actual spaghetti.  It was so good!  I made my meals for the week and it's nice to be prepared and not have to worry about what I'm going to eat last minute.    Tomorrow is my husbands 25th birthday ( yes I know I'm a cradle robber lol) We're having a big party for him on Saturday.. He deserves it so much!! I can't wait to spend a night with all of our friends.. Ive become a bit of a hermit since my surgery and I miss being around friends.  (plus I bought a new outfit that I can't wait to wear :)   I checked out my BMI today...Even though I don't really think the guidelines are realistic I was curious.  My starting BMI was 56 which put me in the super morbidly obese category.  My BMI is now 34 which puts me in the Class 1 Obese category.  Once I hit 29 I'll be just overweight. I think it's ridiculous that they think a heathy weight for me is 130 pounds. Never gonna happen!!!    But regardless.... Going down 22 points it's pretty awesome.    Even though I have lost ALMOST half the woman I was... I feel like I have become twice the woman I never thought I could be. ....   If that makes any sense at all.  ( it did in my head)   Now that I am feeling more like myself... It's a lot easier to be motivated and excited about the future.    Bring it on. 
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on 2/16/12 8:54 pm
Topic: RE: Meet and Greet Oct 2012?
 That's so great!!! Can't wait!!
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on 2/15/12 9:23 pm
Topic: RE: Meet and Greet Oct 2012?
 Anyone have any info about the Meet and Greet in Sarnia in Oct?
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on 2/14/12 4:17 am
Topic: RE: Happy Valentines Day!!!!
  I am so lucky to have the love in my life that I do. From my children and husband... To my family and friends. I know a lot of people think Valentines Day is silly and just another excuse to spend money but I don't think there is anything wrong with showing a little extra love once in a while!!!
Today also marks the 8 month anniversary of my Gastric Bypass. Today I am down 124 pounds. I have gone from 334 lbs to 210 lbs. and I am pretty proud of that!!!
I know I have been down lately but I think I was just mostly off because of my surgery and infection. I'm feeling much more optimistic and back to my old self!  I have my OA meeting on Thursday AND my first day back at the gym in three weeks! I can't wait to get back into my routine. I've really missed the gym... It's become my stress reliever!! 
I just wanted to share a picture of my most favorite thing to do these days lol something I try to do as much as possible now that I can do it again ;)  
Thank you for bearing with me and listening to my rants.  I couldn't do this without all of your love and support!!!
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on 2/13/12 2:24 am
Topic: RE: Overeaters Anonymous???
 I am looking into trying out Overeaters Anonymous. I am having a lot of issues lately and I'm having a hard time with the emotional side of this. It's true that the issues you have before WLS will still be waiting for you after the fact... Even more so it seems. 

Anyway... I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this and if they found it help full?
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on 2/7/12 2:50 am
Topic: RE: I Can Do It :) New Tattoo !!!
 Thank you!  I work at Stinger Tattoo in Newmarket, ON.  were on Facebook too!
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on 2/5/12 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Thank you Karen! I do know it's normal and I know it'll get better! Thank you for your kind words!
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on 2/5/12 6:27 am
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Thank you! I was nervous about posting this on here. I didnt know how people would respond. 
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on 2/5/12 6:26 am
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only one with off feelings. I hope you feel back to normal soon
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on 2/5/12 6:23 am
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Thank you so much!  Your perspective is very much appreciated !
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on 2/5/12 6:22 am
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Thank you everyone!!
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on 2/5/12 3:14 am
Topic: RE: I Can Do It :) New Tattoo !!!
 They have shifted a bit depending on the placement... But not nearly as much as I thought they were going to!!!! I will say the ones on my breasts have become more elongated lol
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on 2/5/12 1:06 am
Topic: RE: Down and out.
 Yesterday I got the chance to spend the day with most of my brothers and sisters .. ( by most I mean 5 out of 8) and of course my brothers and sisters in law, my nieces and nephews and my mom and step dad.  I love being surround by family. It's such a safe comfortable feeling. I just wish we could do it more often!   It's a constant non stop chatter that only someone in our family could handle for more than a few hours!!   There were lots of questions about how I'm doing after my gallbladder surgery.. And how I'm feeling in general.    I don't know why... Maybe because I was with my mother and sisters... But I broke down crying. I think I'm a little overwhelmed with my life right now and it all came out last night.    I don't know if I'm depressed or just tired or still worn out from surgery but something is off with me lately. I've been very emotional and hard on myself. I'm starting to really dislike my body and the horrible amounts of sagging jiggly skin. Knowing that reconstructive surgery may be out of my reach for a very long time... If not forever... Doesnt give me much hope for feeling better about it either.    I wanted this sooo bad. I was so determined to rock my WLS and show everyone how great it is and how well I've done... But it's so hard to keep up with myself sometimes. I'm still losing weight... Im down 117 pounds in less than 8 months.  I'm still getting my protein in and trying to take all of my vitamins ( a daily struggle in itself) but I feel like I've failed mentally and emotionally.  I can't get the fat girl out of my head.    I'm tired. Life gets in the way. I have so much stress at home... And I think I may be breaking a bit.    Don't get me wrong. I don't regret doing this. Everything happens for a reason and I believe that completely but my mom asked me last night if I would do it again... And I said no. Now if she had asked me next week on a good day.. Maybe my answer would be yes. So take everything I say with a grain of salt because it could just be my emotions talking!   It's hard to talk about this because everyone thinks I'm doing great and I don't want to disappoint them. Especially people who have had the surgery. We look at Gastric Bypass like we've been given a gift, which we have and I don't want them to think that I'm ungrateful.  I think I just wasn't  as prepared for all the changes and hurdles that have happened so fast as I thought I was!!
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on 2/4/12 11:15 pm
Topic: RE: YEAH! Almost 1 year out, plastics approved
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thats awesome chicka!!!! 
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on 2/4/12 11:07 pm
Topic: RE: Chinese food
You are a better woman than I!!!

I also had a horrible experience with Chinese food about a month post op.. it was my sons birthday and I thought I could have just a little bit... nope.  It came back up with NO warning and I was sick for over an hour. 

I ended up crying .. not because I felt bad for eating something I shouldn't have... but because i COULDN'T eat it... i was literally mourning food lol

I'm 8 months out now.. 117 pounds lighter.. and I have learned my lesson...

Its a hard road but its worth it in the end.

I tip my hat to you... that's some awesome willpower you have !!!!!  You re gonna do great!
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