What are you eating/doing today -- Monday?
Good morning :)
What a beautiful day!! We were just outside -- I transplanted some lettuce, watered a few things, and I'm trying to save some tulip bulbs that got pulled up in our front garden -- we don't want them there but they are still good :)
I don't know if I've mentioned this but before things shutdown we were looking at buying a farm. We've put that on hold, but increased our gardening instead. I really wish we were still in a position to move. The girls would be closer to their cousins and we would just have more space. DH is turning into an urban homesteader lol.
QOTD: city or country? My MIL definitely believes I'm "too city". She's a farmer. She was helping us with planning farm things. I grew up on the edge of a medium-ish city so I've always been happy either way.
Post-op five years and two months.
Feeding snack - trail mix, granola protein bar
Breakfast - protein popsicles
Snack - protein bar
Lunch - ham, cheese, cucumber, apple
Snack - carrots and PB
Dinner - leftover cabbage roll casserole
Snack - pudding or protein popsicles
All water and vits.
Hola Meg & nuggets,
Yes it's a beautiful day now but it was pretty chilly at 6 this morning when I first got up. Unfortunately I'm stuck in an office all day but I did get out for a quick 15 minute walk for some fresh air.
I remember you saying you were looking at houses but I think this shutdown has put a hold on many things. I'm sure the increased gardening will do just fine for the time being and when the time is right, things will fall in place for you and your family ;) The kiddos will enjoy visiting their "country" relatives regardless - a mini vacation for them.
QOTD: COUNTRY all the way! I was raised in the country so we learned to make our own fun outside in the snow or ditches. We would ride our bikes to meet school friends. At the time I am sure there were comments about being "bored" but looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. My bro and I always had farm type jobs as kids and learned the value of a hard-earned dollar. I still live in the country and we enjoy bon-fires and having the music up loud while we are outside without hearing anyone complain.
B - greek yogurt
S - tamari almonds, clementine
L - chicken, asparagus
S - turkey pepperette
D - bunless burger and tossed salad
S - SF jello