What are you eating/doing today -- Friday?
Good morning :)
I will give myself a B+ for sticking to my plan yesterday lol. There were a few nibbles -- it's especially hard to stay away from the little nugget's leftovers. I was outside a bit -- did some weeding. Not fun. The garden soil that we got seems to have a lot of weeds -- two in particular.
QOTD: what was the hardest change or rule for you having surgery? Mine was the no pop and no gum rules. I was a heavy pop drinker before. I haven't missed gum as much as I thought I would.
Post-op five years and two months.
Feeding snack - nut bar
Breakfast - protein pops
Snack - carrots and PB
Lunch - ham and cheese, maybe pickles
Snack - Greek yogurt, banana, splash of granola
Dinner - chicken and salad
Snack - protein pops or pudding
All water and vits.
Happy Friday ;)
I stuck to plan yesterday but was not able to get a full walk in due to rain so I'm a bit disappointed. I'll make up for it this weekend and head to a nice long trail with some slopes. I may even do some weight training in the living room if the weather doesn't co-operate.
QOTD: I'm with you on the no pop rule. I was a huge diet Pepsi drinker until I decided to start preparing for surgery,,, I cut down in the first couple of months and then totally changed over to water and have not looked back since. My kids are constantly saying we have "nothing to drink" even though I always have juice and milk lol.
B - protein shake
S - turkey pepperettes
L - tossed salad with grilled chicken
S - clementine
D - fish, veggies of some sort
S - greek yogurt