What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday?
Good morning :)
What a beautiful day. I had planned to take both little nuggets outside but they decided today would be a good day to be extra cranky ;) lol. LN1 is big enough now that she wants to eat what we are eating -- like out of our bowls. I now have to figure that into my portions. This morning I added an extra 50% to my breakfast knowing that she would eat it. I actually really struggle with this because I don't like sharing my food.
QOTD: do you mind sharing your food? I was an only child until I was about 11, so I didn't have to share much as a kid. If I'm planning to share it's totally fine -- e.g. we go to a restaurant and order an appetizer to share. When I'm expecting to eat my own food and someone takes some it really bothers me. It's funny that I can know something bothers me but I can't change that feeling :)
Post-op five years and two months.
Breakfast - Greek yogurt and banana with a splash of granola shared with the nugget
Snack - protein fudge popsicles
Lunch - leftover BBQ chicken (change of plans from dinner last night)
Snack - carrots and PB
Dinner - burgers and veg
Snack - protein posicles if I remember to make more
All water and vits -- need to work on getting in the water especially being out in the sun.
Good afternoon!
Whew,, I was running all morning. I've had some issues with my left shoulder for the last few weeks and today I finally got in for an xray and ultrasound so let's hope they figure out what's happening. I've been on pain killers for 2 weeks just in order to sleep which is NOTHING like me... I have a very high pain tolerance and only rarely even take Tylenol. This is the same shoulder that I had broken in 3 spots and dislocated a few years ago, so I'm guessing it will likely be associated to that injury. This was the first day that retail stores are open in our area so I managed to sneak in to a local shoe store and buy some super comfy supportive shoes for my long walks. $$$ but they are quality and I don't mind the investment when I'm going to use them everyday.
QOTD: I would say that I actually enjoy sharing my food.... I'm constantly telling people to "try this" if I think something is yummy. I am a bit territorial about my protein staples though,,,, I try to make sure I have turkey pepperettes and sliced turkey breast and occasionally my kids go overboard on helping themselves. If they were young I'd get it but they are 21 and 23! lol
B - sliced turkey (on the way out the door)
S - non existant
L - chicken chop suey
S - low-fat SF bran muffin
D - Haddock, asparagus, cauliflower
S - greek yogurt
Still need to push my water since I was out of schedule today. I'm likely at 1.75 again but working on another Contigo bottle as I'm typing.