Hair loss...
At click the consolation app and it will tell you which system to use. I have chemically treated hair so use System 5.
You can find the product through a stylist, or at Amazon, or Sally Beauty Supply. Other beauty suppliers might only sell to licensed cosmetologists. I was a licensed stylist for many years. I would really try to buy it in person rather than online because online they sometimes sell very small bottles. The 33 ounce or 1000 ml bottle should cost around $20.
Let me know how it works for you, but it did take a few months for me to see the diference.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
I used to tell my clients that the body is like a farmer. It uses the food that you put into it to maintain its "crops" of brain, heart, lungs, stomach, liver, eyes, ears, nerves, skin, hair, nails, and other organs and functions. When you take away a lot of its food, then it has to decide what is the most important to maintain.
It sees hair and nails as decoration and sends its nutrients to what is essential to keep the body functioning. The hair is still there and still wants to grow, but is not getting pushed through the openings in the scalp. It is just staying in a dormant state.
The Nioxin cleanser opens up those pores and encourages the new hair to come through easily. Even if you shampooed daily there will be an accumulation of sebum and environmental residue keeping the hairs from emerging.
Once I had a healthy regrowth of hair, I did not need the Nioxin. I went through two or three sets of it and used it for over a year.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
That makes a lot of sense. I know I'm not up to the amount of protein I should ingest - just find it too difficult to eat enough and the protein shakes just don't agree with me since the surgery. I have a Sally's here in town so will check it out this week. Regardless going to cut this mop, as regardless of whether it works or not (keeping fingers crossed it DOES)- the length of my hair won't work - I'll end up with a mullet! Going to make an appointment early February to get my hair chopped.... it's a difficult decision but has to happen!
I'm here, and I feel your problem. Not too long ago, I was diagnosed with baldness, but I'm already in active therapy at It helps me cope physically and mentally with this situation. I am more than confident that you can take advantage of this ASAP and cure this problem. I can already see progress, and the hair is reappearing in the right places. I have had this treatment for several weeks now, and I am very happy with the results. You can see the same on your head. Keep fighting!
STOP the problem with nutrition. It commonly occurs as your zinc levels are depleted. use zinc lozenge, cold eze is a brand name, use one every other day til zinc gives an off taste to the berry flavored melts.
.. then about one time a week i will use a half to a whole lozenge.this is my maintanence method..
If/When it develops off taste remove the lozenge and save it for next week.This is a sign your level is up. you will see a difference within 10 days.(post op 25 years)