What are you eating/doing today -- Friday?
Good morning :)
Today is not going to be a fun day. The little nugget is getting all her one year boosters -- we were told these were going to be bad ones (I.e. she wouldn't feel very good after for a while). Poor thing. However, I am happy because she will finally be covered for measles.
QOTD: a random one today. Are you technologically savvy? I used to be. Before I met DH I was the resident computer fixer. My grandpa's favourite story was when his printer randomly started printing a 90 page document that he didn't want. He yelled for me because he didn't know what to do. I just reached over and pulled all the paper supply out so it couldn't print anymore. He thought that was a hilarious solution -- and he never thought to do it. He told everyone lol. DH is in IT so he fixes everything around here and makes it more techy than it needs to be or that I can deal with lol.
Post-op four years and five months.
Breakfast - milk and cereal (but not together lol)
Snack - oatmeal bar
Lunch - maybe a sandwich
Snack - cheese and something
Dinner - maybe leftover beef
Snack - Greek yogurt and pineapple
All water and vits.
Yay Friday is here!
Best of luck with the lil nuggets shots.. hopefully it is a very short lived unhappiness for both of your sake's. I'm looking forward to a couple of days off but also need to get some cleaning done around the house... blah!
QOTD: I wouldn't say I am super tech savvy but I know enough to be the one everyone comes to for tech issues at work. It's not something I would want to do on a regular basis so I give your DH props and anyone else who enjoys all that trouble shooting. The paper supply was a very quick thinking trick! That's a great story.
B - greek yogurt
S - pretzel thins, PB
L - chicken skewers, salad
S - protein shake
D - leftover rotisserie chicken, cauliflower
S - turkey pepperettes