What are you eating/doing Wednesday?

on 6/19/19 8:12 am

Good morning peeps ;) Another sunny day so no complaints from me. I had a great extended walk last night and hope to do a repeat tonight.

QOTD: Who is the organizer if your family? I have been stressing dealing with both of my kids because neither of them ever think ahead or organize and then wonder why things don't go as planned. I think generally the women (moms) are the planners but do know some men who are awesome on that front.

B - greek yogurt, blueberries

S - 2 turkey pepperettes

L - chicken, few green beans

S - 1/2 protein shake

D - baked halibut with dill and lemon

S - cheese stick or maybe parm crisps

on 6/19/19 8:37 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Going to run some errands this morning to stock up on a few things and then tonight I'm going to a paint night where you paint your pet :) we have two dogs so I'm going to do pup #1 this time and hopefully I can do another one of pup #2.

QOTD: I'm totally the organizer. We originally had a deal that I did the planning for my side of the family and DH did the planning for his side of the family, but 90% of the time he didn't tell me stuff was happening.

Post-op four years and three months.

Breakfast - milk

Snack - egg and tomato

Lunch - cheese and apple

Snack - pepperette and yogurt

Dinner - spaghetti sauce and veg

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 6/19/19 10:23 am

Paint your pet? I definately want to see a picture of that!

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