What are you eating/doing Monday?
Look at me - made it to the gym on a Monday morning!! It's going to be a good week! Back on the Protein Pony though!!
I have been eating things I know that I shouldn't. My weight is in check but I know that it wouldn't take too long for it start creeping up if I keep up with this rogue eating! So enough is enough.
We had a relatively good weekend of camping although I don't remember how many times I had to change my clothes on saturday because Momma Nature couldn't make up her mind. We did get a pretty wicked storm with hail on Saturday afternoon but it did clear up in the evening so we could have our bonfire.
B - 2 egg cups
S - celery and PB
L - beer can chicken - white meat
S - meat stick, cheese
D - chicken breast with sauteed peppers and onions with cheese and sour cream
Have a great Monday everyone. (I know, easier said than done).
Ginnnnnnnyyyyy... By one minute again!! Lol.
Good morning :)
This morning I have a bank appointment and will probably pop over to the grocery store for a few basics. Our weekend was pretty lazy. DH went to help "clean out" the barn at the sheep farm on Saturday and smelled so bad when he came home that I didn't even let him in the house lmao!! Jk.
Accountability: not good. A couple bad choices yesterday and too many carbs.
QOTD: favourite and least favourite normal smell (i.e. not something that actually really smells bad)? I love the smell of chocolate or fresh bread. I can't stand the smell of dog food. I love my dogs, but for some reason the smell of their food absolutely turns my stomach upside-down.
Post-op four years and two months.
Breakfast - protein shake
Snack - carrots and PB
Lunch - leftover sausage
Snack - pepperette and cheese
Dinner - roast beef and veg
Snack - SF pudding
All water and vits.
Way to go Ginny! I need to look for a gym but may wait until the end of summer since right now I'm good at getting outside as much as possible and keeping busy. My son went camping this weekend too and he said they ended up erecting a tarp shelter over the tent just to shield it,, they had fun nonetheless (oh to be 20 again) ;)
QOTD: I love the smell of a roast in the oven and also campfire smell on clothes although I'm not sure everyone else would enjoy me smelling like that. I can't stand the smell of cantelope ... to me it almost smells musty so not one of my favorite fruits.
B - greek yogurt
S - 1/2 protein shake
L - roast chicken, cheese wrapped in lettuce
S - egg bites
D - leftover steak cut up into veggies for stir fry
S - turkey pepperette