Slim time?

on 5/28/19 6:18 pm

Ask anything you like! If I can answer I will. It was via Telehealth again..The surgeon meeting. Nurse setting up the skype took my BP and weight, but he didn't seem too concerned. Trying to recall if he even asked! He did say they tend to go on the weight you were when you began. But dietician no doubt updates the file so it should not be a surprise. He asked if I had questions. Gave me my date. Some general queries as to the operation and that was it. He did ask about my sleep apnea which is very mild and doesn't require treatment and told me to stop taking one of the two diabetes pills I take when starting slimtime

on 5/28/19 6:39 pm

Thank you out hahah didn't wanna seem annoying . Okay perfect! I wasn't even required to take a sleep test so I hope he doesn't say now that I need one . It seems thorough and detailed which I like. I hate feeling like I'm lost and don't know every point of the process lol. I feel it's gotten so realong now that my meeting with him is exactly a month away . Now the nerves are setting in haha. Esp cause ive never had a surgery before

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/19 9:39 pm
VSG on 03/21/19
I recently had my surgery at TWH. I was very nervous and scared but everything went well. The doctors and nurses were fantastic and put me at ease as they were very thorough and helpful especially my nurse that took care of me once in my room post-op. You will do fine. Just follow the instructions given to you. You've got this! Here's my timeline once I received my surgery date: Meet surgeon Dr. Penner Mar 01-2019 SlimTime Mar 07 to 20 2019 Surgery pre-op appt. Mar 15-2019 VSG @ 2:00pm Mar 21-2019 Discharged @ 11:00am Mar 22-2019 If you have any questions just ask. Good luck!
on 5/28/19 9:53 pm

Oh wow you're timeline was so smooth! I'm glad I'm reading how good they were which calms me alot. How was the first meeting with the surgeon? Did you get weighed or measured or have to do any further tests? How are you feeling now since it's been a couple months?thank you so much for the response

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/19 10:12 pm
VSG on 03/21/19

My first meeting was actually a Telehealth appointment so a Skype type of meeting at my local hospital. The nurse that set up the meeting took my weight and blood pressure which I think she faxed to the surgeon. The meeting mainly focused on details of my health and the surgery itself and ensuring I fully understood what would happen during the surgery. The appointment only lasted about 30 minutes.

(deactivated member)
on 5/28/19 10:22 pm
VSG on 03/21/19

Sorry forgot to mention.......I feel great!

I had loads of anxiety and fear before surgery and did have a very rough first day home (gas pain).

That one day seems like a lifetime ago now and it's been smooth sailing ever since.

I'm so grateful that I was able to get this surgery and so happy my weight is moving in the right direction and my health improved immediately. My diabetes went into remission the day after surgery.

on 5/29/19 7:47 am

So encouraging to hear from people *****cently went through the entire process! Day 2 of Slimtime... hope my journey is as smooth as yours! I am a good patient - and intend to follow instructions to the letter - and other than being diabetic and fat, remarkably healthy considering my size. I have heard that about diabetes - it often goes into remission even BEFORE you've lost appreciable weight! One can dream! That is one of the primary reasons I'm doing this - a future with diabetes is frightening- thanks for sharing!

(deactivated member)
on 5/29/19 8:47 pm
VSG on 03/21/19

Good luck to you with the SlimTime. I found it tasted better when I added lots of ice. The last couple of days of the two weeks were the toughest for me but I got through it as I'm sure you will too.

I may be a lightweight but was remarkably unhealthy. Sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and of course obese. I'm off all diabetic meds now and am hoping at my three month checkup to either be off of or at least have my meds reduced for blood pressure and cholesterol.

Best wishes to you in your journey and I hope your diabetes goes into remission too!

on 5/30/19 12:33 am

That's amazing . I'm so happy for you! I'm having those feelings right now haha . I'm so glad everything is going so good for you! Eases my mind alot

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