Slim time?

on 5/25/19 10:01 pm

I'm at TWH and was told by the dietitian that they now do slimtime instead of optifast although the end couldn't give me a price (which was weird) so just wondering if anything has an idea of the cost per week ... and if it's by weight how many weeks you'd be on it? I'm over the 400lbs mark so I would assume 4 weeks I'd be on any liquid diet . Just tryna figure out cost haha

Diminishing Dawn
on 5/26/19 12:22 pm - Windsor, Canada

This is what I read

3 weeks worth is $180

2 weeks is $130

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 5/26/19 12:31 pm

Oh wow thanks for the response . I really hope so that'd be amazing.

on 5/28/19 7:46 am

I JUST started it today! I'm on it for 2 weeks - my weight is around 280. It was $126 for two weeks worth and I got half chocolate and half vanilla. Just had my first one - mixed with 2 cubes decaf coffee I had frozen in ice trays with ice and water - it was actually pretty good! Will add double the amount of coffee next time though as it tasted more like malt type chocolate.

on 5/28/19 7:55 am

Finally! Hard to find someone who is having it . Ohhh that's such a good idea I'm definitely going to have that on hand too. And okay atleast it's priced better than I thought cause I assume I'll be on for 4 weeks so double that . I wish you the best!!!!

on 5/28/19 7:59 am

Your doctor will decide but while the "rule of thumb" I was told is a week per 100 lbs that's not entirely accurate. My listed weight for the program (which is what they use)- is 297 so technically I thought I would be put on three weeks worth but two weeks it is! I think (just speculating) that it may have to do with bloodwork etc too and other health factors. Will keep you posted! Really excited about getting through this and on with the rest of my life!

on 5/28/19 8:14 am

Are you with Toronto western? That's good I'm glad you got less them haha. I hope they go with my initial weight cause I think I've gained vier the past year . The stress! I'm abiut 480 my dietitian emailed me back and said I'm probably look at 4 weeks but it dexpends on whatever the surgeon decides. My appointment to see him is June 28th and im so nervous. How was yours? And yes please keep me updated I'd love to know how your journey is going with it

on 5/28/19 8:23 am

I am with TWH! I have my post-op meeting with Dr. Wong next Monday then just a week to go after that! I actually live in Brockville, but began the journey almost 2 years ago when I was still in Toronto. My surgery initially came up in March 2018 but I had a LOT going on in my personal life (lumpectomy - benign thankfully, my mum was really ill (had moved her in with me when I moved to Brockville for that purpose in 2017) - etc so had to put it off - then "restarted" last October. They've been terrific - and I've been able to do a lot of the meetings via Telehealth - a secure type of Skype. the surgeon was super nice and upfront - gave lots of information and seemed genuinely thrilled to give me a date. Overall, I've found them great in the program there. My only ***** is that I believe we should each have a case worker - a "go to" person who has the big picture about our files - other than that I can't complain.

on 5/28/19 8:24 am

that's PRE-op not POST-op LOL

on 5/28/19 8:36 am

I'm glad you were able to get back to it and that it was benign! I started in January last year but had a few reschedules. I realized I should have chose telehealth when I had the nutrition group meeting and pretty much everyone did it that way. I live in scarborough and bus it there which is about 3 hours round trip lol. But I can say the same I do believe everyone was really great and kind . I have anxiety so I'm always so nervous but it always calms and leaves meeting the people and talking. I wish we had our own caseworker too but even just emailing the dietitian she got back to me the next day which was great. My meeting is with Dr Urbach . Was there any weigh in or more blood work when you met him or did they just use everything from the when you met with the nurse? I was worried he might give me a diet plan to follow (which I do wish the dietitian gave). the Sorry for all the questions lol I don't know anyone going through this so all I have is whatever I read on the internet haha. I'm so excited for you to be almost there ! esp having the minor set back. I wish you all the best love!

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