What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday?

on 5/8/19 4:31 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Currently sitting on the floor playing blocks ;) reminds me that I need to get my butt in gear faster so that I can sit on the floor comfortably and run around with the little nugget. I need a few groceries so I will check and see what's on sale. DH isn't working right now so we are mostly staying around the house and getting some stuff done here.

QOTD: one project I want to work on is going through my phone to get some photos printed. Some will go up on the walls and some are for a photo album I'm putting together. Funny thing though -- I just read a post on Facebook about someone wanting to scan all their photos so they can get rid of the physical albums (they need more space). Are you a digital photo person or a physical photo person? I like both... I like that I can have 10,000 photos on my phone but also some albums to sit and reminisce with ;)

Post-op four years and two months.

Accountability: I'm down a pound towards my five pound challenge. It is nice to see the scale cooperating. Yesterday was a good eating day. I had a protein shake at night instead of a pudding, which I regretted at the time because it made me too full before bed.

Breakfast - protein shake

Snack - carrots and PB

Lunch - turkey pepperette, cheese, pickles

Snack - HB egg (didn't make them yesterday so I will try again)

Dinner - something with pork roast. DH made lettuce wraps last night with roast pork, pickled onions, carrots, green peppers, and crushed peanuts.

Snack - SF pudding

All water and vits.

on 5/8/19 9:40 am

Good morning. Wish I was sitting on the floor playing blocks with a baby ;) Sounds much more fun than piles of paperwork I'm behind on! I did squeeze in my walk last night after work but it was a bit nippy for sure.

QOTD: I have older albums which my kids and I love to pull out and look out. I try to make a habit of printing off pictures if we do a vacation together but should likely print off a few others that are on my phone just to have in an album. There is always that chance that you lose digital photos if something happens to your devices...I treasure an album of pictures and unfortunately think they are becoming something of the past.

B - triple zero greek yogurt

S - egg bites

L - chili

S - 1/2 protein shake

D - chicken, asparagus, cauliflower (2 of my fav veggies)

S - 1/2 protein shake

Congrats on the first step in your challenge,, one pound gone Meg!

on 5/8/19 9:51 am - Canada

Thanks WIP!! I'm working hard -- I keep telling DH to put away his snacks and stuff so I'm not tempted.

The physical/digital thing has been on my mind for a while. I like having both. But also I worry about losing our old photos if something happens. A row of townhouses across the road from us recently burned down and three families lost everything... I can't even imagine how devastating that would be.

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