Food Journal for NUT appointment HRRH
Hello Lovely people!
I have my trios appointment next week and I am completing my food journal this week. Does anyone know if we can bring a typed copy of the journal or do they prefer the copy they provided hand written?
Referral - June 2018 ~ Orientation - August 21, 2018 ~ Meet The Surgeon (Dr. Klein) - December 14, 2018 ~ Internist ( Dr. Glazier) - January 25, 2019 ~ Social Worker - January 28, 2019 ~ Nurse and Dietitian - January 30, 2019 ~ 2nd Surgeon Appt - February 25, 2019 ~ Pre Op Appt - March 7, 2019 ~ Start Opti - March 6, 2019 ~ SURGERY DAY - March 20, 2019
Handwritten, typed, printed from an online source, whatever you present they will be happy to receive.
Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18