What are you eating/doing Friday?
Well Good EARLY Morning everyone! I had to catch a ride this morning and my driver starts early so here I am also! It is going to be a looooong day!! It's creepy being at work at this hour! I'm looking forward to the weekend even if they're forecasting an incredible amount of snow. Hopefully I can get the doggies out to play!
No real food plan today so I'll have to wing it. I have "leftovers" from the week.....snacks and bits of lunches that I didn't eat. It will all come together and if there isn't enough I can always go out and grab something.
I hope you all have a great day and cozy warm weekend!!
Take care.
Good morning peeps. Nothing much on my agenda today, work and depending on the weather may head out with a girlfriend tonight for some relax time.
1 1/2 months post VGS
B - greek yogurt
S - turkey pepperette
L - corned beef & mustard on multigrain melba toast
S - 1/2 protein shake
D - chicken something
S - 1/2 protein shake
Enjoy the weekend!

Good morning :)
I'm taking another van load of stuff to storage. You can't even tell I have taken so much away. I'm also working on a pile of stuff to donate. Tomorrow we are going to pick up our side of beef and then it will be a game of tetris to get it all in the freezer. I'm hoping we don't get as much snow as forecasted this weekend because we would like to look at another property (maybe two if I can sweet talk DH).
Post-op three years and ten.
Breakfast - protein bar
Snack - carrots and PB
Lunch - turkey sandwich
Snack - Greek yogurt
Dinner - roast beef
Snack - pudding
All water and vits.