on 1/14/19 8:49 pm

That's a great timeline! If that follows suit for me, I would be having surgery before my 32nd birthday and that would be an awesome gift to myself!

Referral: Nov. 9/18 HRRHOrientation: January 29, 2019Met Surgeon: May 27, 2019Nurse & Dietician: June 10, 2019Internist: June 12, 2019Social Worker: June 28, 2019Surgery Date: October 7, 2019

Shrnkin Butterfly
on 1/14/19 6:56 pm
RNY on 02/19/19

Congratulations! I got my referral September 2017 and had Orientation in November 2017. At times it has felt like ages. I'm out of TWH and appointments were every 3 to 4 months. I did abdominal Ultrasound , sleep apnea test and a few others through my family doctor thinking it would speed up the process but it didn't. At the same time I appreciate the time they take to make sure you are at your best for your surgery day. I had my surgeon appointment on December.7 and my surgery is scheduled for Feb.19,2019. Be patient. It will all be worth it in the end! Best of luck!

on 1/14/19 8:50 pm

Thank you! Congratulations on your date! You must be so excited!

Referral: Nov. 9/18 HRRHOrientation: January 29, 2019Met Surgeon: May 27, 2019Nurse & Dietician: June 10, 2019Internist: June 12, 2019Social Worker: June 28, 2019Surgery Date: October 7, 2019

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