Surgery Day tomorrow!

on 1/7/19 10:27 am
RNY on 01/08/19

Hey all! I just wanted to let everyone know my surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 8th. I'm excited and nervous but I'm feeling really good about my decision. I wanted to thank everyone for the good vibes, the good lucks and all the informative answers. This site has been a really valuable tool and really quality place to get my nerves out.

I really appreciate all of you!

Wish me luck!


Kimberly H.
on 1/7/19 10:33 am - Hamilton, Canada

You've got this! And maybe once you're up and walking you can make your way to the lounge and see if there's a hallmark movie on ? haha best of luck tomorrow!


on 1/7/19 10:39 am
RNY on 01/08/19

Ha! Kim, I'm praying for a Hallmark movie! Thanks!

on 1/7/19 12:52 pm

All the best!

*TWH* Referral - December 2017; Orientation - March 2018; SW Assessment - May 2018; Nurse Practitioner - June 2018; Nutrition Class - June 2018; Psych - August 2018; Dietitian - August 2018; Appt. w/ Surgeon - November 2018; Surgery date - January 2019

Weight loss

Pre-surgery: 14, M1: 18, M2: 9, M3: 8, M4: 10, M5:6 , M6:9

on 1/7/19 12:58 pm - Sudbury, ON
RNY on 10/29/18

Good Luck!

Referral date: March 20, 2018 Orientation Date: May 30, 2018 Surgery date: October 29, 2018 with Dr Rotstein at St Micheal's in Toronto.

on 1/7/19 5:07 pm
RNY on 01/16/18

Good Luck! Make sure to let us know how you're doing.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

on 1/8/19 12:31 pm - scarborough Ontario, Canada
RNY on 03/15/19

Good luck

on 1/9/19 9:06 am
RNY on 06/17/19

Good luck, hope you are doing well!

on 1/9/19 5:16 pm

Hope all went well! I so remember day 1 and 2 and 3 and etc.... so overwelming as I re learned how to eat. Felt pressure but take the time to heal well and focus on yourself. This is the time to be super selfish and put yourself first. Cry if you need to. Blessings!

on 1/10/19 5:14 am
RNY on 01/16/18

How are you doing?

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18

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