Aching hips when sleeping new after Rny surgery
Wondering if anyone else has/had this interesting development after RNY surgery: After sleeping a few hours I wake up with an ache in both hips - deep inside the bone area. I have to get up, walk around for 1 minute and then it goes away. I go back to sleep, and a couple of hours later - the same thing. Cannot think of any other reason this started to occur, other than surgery. Never had this before.
Thanks, Sunny

The only thing I can think of is that your body is readjusting to its new dimensions. Every time I drop a few pounds, I get a sore tailbone, knees and hips. Then after a few days it goes away. Your skeletal structure will be realigning as you lose. Maybe a few loose pillows to tuck here and there while sleeping to support where you've lost the padding might help.

Referred January 7/17, Orientation Humber May 28/17, Meet Dr. August 4/17, TRIO November 3/17, Internist November 21/17, Surgeon again December 21/17, Pre-op assessment January 4/18 and Surgery January 12/18.
Thanks Leslie-makes sense; I will mention it when I have my 3 month follow up too. I will just put up with it as its not too painful, more annoying - but so far this new life is so amazing - my son hugged me yesterday and said- wow, u have really lost weight!
AWESOME when a teenage noticed anything- lol
I recently just flew back and forth to Vancouver and complained about the uncomfortable seats in Business Class. I was shocked they could be so bad until I realized it was my boney bum that was causing the trouble and not the seats. :)

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
Late to the game but I haven't been on in awhile. How goes it with the pain? I'm betting you're putting strain on your hips from the way things sit differently while you are sleeping now that you've lost some weight. Wondering if the pillow between your knees has helped any? Your body is going through tons of adjustments as things shift around, your body has to figure out new ways to carry itself. One of the best things I did this year was to get regular chiropractic care. It started because of a neck issue but who knew how beneficial it would be with all the changes of the body over the year...not me but I'm glad I did it! I've had some aches and pains too, my back a bit and my tailbone is just awful...hurts to sit for more than a half hour. Turns out losing all the padding on my butt would make it very hard to sit without pain lol. Hope your pain has improved!

HW: 285 SW: 260 CW: 134 Dr. Grantcharov, St. Michael's
Referral: May 2017 Orientation: June 5/17 Nurse: Aug. 17/17 Doctor/Dietician/SW finished by Dec. 11/17 Surgical Ed. Class: Dec. 18/17 Surgeon: Jan. 9/18 Surgery: February 26, 2018!!
Hi Stitch. Thanks for your response.
The pain seems to either be less or I'm sleeping better through it. I find I'm only getting up once per night, and the rest of time I just turn over to other side and re-adjust my pillows my leg rests on.
Chiropractor sounds like a great idea - I've never liked having my back adjusted, as I naturally fight the movement to re-align. However, I will make an appointment! I'm also going to start massage, which should help the stress I seem to be carrying in my shoulders and neck.
Now I've started to notice my left knee giving me some pain - sigh. I think its just what one goes through as the body loses weight/fat that cushioned areas.
On the positive side, my feet no longer hurt and I find I look forward to getting up from my chair at work and walk around a ton more! I even take the stairs instead of elevator at work (its only 1 floor, so no great challenge, but still it's one more thing I'm not being lazy about!) Next, I will be going for walks on my 2 breaks (which I never took before and just munched away on food at my desk). Starts Monday!
Have a great weekend!

I had a DS 3 yrs ago. About 14 months ago I started with serious aching pain in the soft tissue of my hips. Tylenol didn't work. Hydrocodene didn't work. it got worse. Both hips hurt. If I got up and walked, it was better. I learned to prop pillows under both thighs. It is not sciatic pain. I had a steroid injection for bursitis. Didn't do anything. I iced it, heated it. Stopped walking my 3 miles. then the interrupted sleep became an issue. I take 1 Tylenol arthritis at night with 1 Tylenol PM. It still hurts but less but i'm Sleeping through it better. I saw ortho, had x Ray was perfectly normal. I am a very healthy and active person. This hip thing was game changer. You are the first person who I have read about having the same thing. It doesn't bother me during the day

RNY revision to Lap DS Feb, 2016, Dr. Ayoola.
HW 235/SW 184/CW 127