Recharge your batteries.

on 12/13/18 4:21 am
RNY on 01/11/12

You don't have to adopt a Scrooge-like attitude toward the coming holiday season. Despite all of the commercialism and the intense, unhealthy focus on food and drink, the holidays can be a time of joy and contentment. But even the most optimistic, upbeat person needs a break from the excitement to recharge. The intense holiday season lasts more than a month nowadays, and you'll start seeing evidence of it soon (if you haven't already). When you find yourself caught up in the excitement, remember to step back once in awhile to take a breather. It will re-energize you, help you avoid the burnout that could lead to stress eating, and provide you with the boost you need to stay on track. Today, before the upcoming holiday begin to consume you, write down a plan for how you will handle the coming season. With a plan, you are much more likely to stay on track.

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