What are you eating/doing today -- Wednesday?

on 12/12/18 2:47 am - Canada

Good morning :)

Yesterday did not go as planned. Little nugget ended up with a bit of a fever, probably from her needles. I also spent a bunch of time helping my cousin register for his college classes.

Also, I had a bit of a brain fart regarding my blood work on Monday. Usually I go in the morning but I went after lunch because of the time of our doctors' appointments. Well, I didn't think and I took my meds at lunch time so much blood work levels came back abnormally high. I will have to get them redone.

QOTD: what is your least favourite sound? I can't stand the sound of eating utensils clinking together. Or them scraping on a plate. I also hate emptying the utensils out of the dishwasher. I would rather do almost any other chore :)

Post-op three years and nine months.

Breakfast - Greek yogurt and blueberries

Snack - trail mix

Lunch - unknown

Snack - egg and pickles

Dinner - random freezer leftovers

Snack - pudding

All water and vits.

on 12/12/18 5:33 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Good morning! Sorry your day didn't go as planned, that can be frustrating.

Was hoping to do my weight routine at the gym this morning but I sprained my ring finger on my right hand going on two weeks ago now and it just couldn't hold the heavy weights. I did what I could (cuz I'm stubborn like that) and then did some extra cardio. Didn't help that the "older fella" I usually talk to in the morning hasn't seen me for a while so he gave me a crushing handshake. I almost yelped out loud. He felt so bad. I didn't figure he would squeeze so hard.

QOTD: people slurping their coffee, tea or soup.....anything really. I just want to punch them in the face.

2 years, 8 mos

B - omelet with bacon and cheese

S - 4.5 oz of ham

L - my salad from yesterday because some dough head forgot her salad dressing at home

S - yogurt (or 2 HB eggs)

D - maybe more ham

Have a great day!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 12/12/18 5:40 am - Canada

Oh yes, slurping is really annoying... I can't stand the way my brother drinks fluids. It is this loud gulping slurp. I can't even describe it.

Also, I had an epiphany after reading your post... You put "dough head" which totally makes sense. But I always thought when people said it they meant "doh head" like doh from the Simpsons. My world is just a little brighter now lol. I guess I have never seen it written down before.

on 12/12/18 8:52 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 04/11/16

Too funny Meg!!!

Over 100 lbs lost! and 13 lbs below goal weight!

on 12/12/18 6:55 am

Good morning gals :)

15 days post op VGS

Please feel free to comment should any of you have suggestions on my menu since I'm just starting out.

QOTD: Someone sniffling drives me crazy,,,,I feel like throwing a box of Kleenex at them.

B - greek yogurt

S- 1/2 premier protein

L - Cream of mushroom soup

S - Poached egg

D - either Kirkland canned chicken breast or grilled Basa with lemon pepper seasoning

S - 1/2 premier protein

on 12/12/18 10:17 am - Canada

It used to drive me crazy during exams when people would be sniffling -- they were always at the worst times like during cold and flu season. When I got further along I proctored an exam where a student was chewing gum so loud I thought everyone was going to start throwing things at him.

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