Gastric Bypass after C section

on 9/27/18 9:18 am


I just had my orientation with the bariatric program today. After the appointment I was told that I have to wait one year to have the surgery because I had a c-section 3 months ago, so they won't even book my next appointment for the assessment process for 3-4more months.

This seems weird and not correct to me. I got the impression it was more just the opinion of the nurse as she couldn't really give me a good reason, rather than an actual rule of the surgical team. Has anyone else had bariatric surgery after a c section? Were you given a waiting period? Everything I'm reading online says you only have to wait 6-8 weeks.

on 9/27/18 10:17 am

I had RNY after 2 c-sections... but those were many years ago :) so not really relevant.

I can say, however, that the whole process takes months, even years. Orientation, nutrition classes, appointments, tests, more tests, and some more tests, more classes and appointments. So I don't know if the delay is related to the c-section really, or if she is sort of miswording things, because that kind of delay is very common.

Goddess in training...

on 9/27/18 10:24 am

Thanks for the reply. The delay is definitely due to the c-section, no miswording for sure, the nurse said that right up front. The clinic just opened in London so they are currently expecting people to get through the program in 4-6months if the person doesnt require extra appointments. But I know they will back up fast which is why I'm so disappointed they won't let me book the next appointment.

on 9/28/18 7:04 pm, edited 9/28/18 12:04 pm
RNY on 02/26/18

My friend just had surgery in five months from orientation to surgery in London. Did her pre appointments in Windsor because she had already been referred there but because things are moving SO quickly in London she was offered appointments quickly and surgery at four months which she declined for child care reasons and got a date three weeks later. Things are really moving super fast in London so that may contribute to why They are putting your appointment off a bit.

HW: 285 SW: 260 CW: 134 Dr. Grantcharov, St. Michael's

Referral: May 2017 Orientation: June 5/17 Nurse: Aug. 17/17 Doctor/Dietician/SW finished by Dec. 11/17 Surgical Ed. Class: Dec. 18/17 Surgeon: Jan. 9/18 Surgery: February 26, 2018!!

on 9/28/18 4:36 am

People are now being referred to a London clinic location? Thats great news!

I would assume that any major surgery would require several months of recovery before undergoing bariatric surgery.

HW 260 SW 239 CW 145
RNY JAN 9/2017 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

on 9/28/18 8:11 pm

UPDATE: Just for anyone interested, or in the future experiencing the same issue... I spoke with the NP in London who basically told me the same thing and that she had checked with the surgeons. I do appreciate that they took the time to follow up with me. I still don't agree with the reasoning for needing to wait a year, but there's nothing I can do it's the surgeons call. The reasons they gave me were,

1) Because I still will lose postpartum weight.... I lost all mine in 4 weeks so not relevant for me

2) It will negatively affect breastmilk supply. I agree with this one but again not relevant to me as I tried very hard but had no supply ever come in.

3) I need time with my baby....I also disagree with this one. I would much rather have the surgery with him being smaller and I have ample support, so to me this is a nonissue.

4) I need more time to heal.... Again strongly disagree that I need a whole year. Based on everything I've read online and working in the medical field this just seems incorrect, but again that's just up to the surgeon.

5) Recent studies might indicate some sort of negative, or not as good outcomes from proceeding with the surgery sooner after c section. I don't know what studies and I don't know what specific outcomes, she was very vague.

But anyways, I at least know I will eventually proceed...i hope. I said I disagreed but didn't argue with her as I dont want to be seen as noncompliant. Would still like to hear if anyone else was ever told the same thing after having a c section.

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