So I broke a chair tonight.....

on 9/23/18 5:05 pm

Hi guys,

I've been creeping on this forum for a while. I've been in the program for about a year, referred oct 2017, i'm waiting for my dietitian and psych eval and then my surgeons date. I broke a chair at a cottage tonight and it didn't feel BAD but i just can't wait for my surgery date and to be done with all this. How long did you guys wait after these appointments for a Sx date and a surgeons meeting?

on 9/24/18 6:56 am

Welcome. You can see from my timeline how long everything took to make it to surgery.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 9/25/18 6:48 am, edited 9/25/18 12:04 am

Everyone is different, make sure to :

quit smoking if you do, ditch coffien and soda , this will make your appointments less as they won't ask for multiple , ask the desk girl to put your name in the waiting list for each appointment. ( I got my nurse and social worker from cancellation) That made my time line less by 4 month which is amazing. Walk more change your life style this will make you cleared faster and then your surgery.

Good luck

on 10/9/18 8:12 pm
RNY on 11/13/18

A little over a year for me. See time-line for references. I was very proactive after orientation by changing my eating habits etc.

Orientation at Sudbury Bariatrics - October 4, 2017. Dietician, physio, nurse & social worker - May 29, 2018. Phone followup with nurse - July 12, 2018. Phone followup with dietician - July 26, 2018. Telemedicine with Dr Aarrts @ MGH in Toronto - October 3, 2018. Telemedicine Pre op October 9, 2018. Surgery set for November 13, 2018.

on 10/19/18 2:11 pm
VSG on 11/21/17

From Orientation to Surgery I had 3 mnths.

upon orientation i was 'fast tracked' because the RN thought I was ready. I started some ha*****anges before orientation which, I suppose, worked for me. The issue for me was my BMI was too high for surgery, so I actually had to loose 26 lbs before I could get to see the surgeon. Once I lost 20 (in that first month after orientation) they went ahead and booked me with the surgeon. Upon seeing him, I just needed my gastroscopy and some BW done. I couldn't believe how quickly it all happened, but I am so thankful I did.

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