St. Joe's Hamilton meet up


on 9/20/18 11:01 am

I've been absent minded lately. When is the support group meeting at St' Joe's held in Hamilton? I remember it's on a Tuesday.

* hugs to all *

Orientation- May 2017, Pre nutrition class- Aug 2017, Blood work- Aug 2017. RPN meeting- Sept 2017. Dietician and Psychiatrist Dec 2017. Internist- Dec 2017. Meet the Surgeon Feb 20th 2018. VSG surgery march 17, 2018 with Dr. Gmora

on 9/21/18 4:20 am

Th next one at the hospital s Oct 16 from 6-7. The informal group of St. Joes patients meets at Fortinos community room beside Limeridge on Oct 4 at 7.

St. Joes Hamilton - Referral June 16, Orientation Aug 16, Group Dietitian May 5, Nurse May 15, Social Worker Aug 15, 1:1 Dietitian Aug 15, Medical Internist Sept 18. Meet Surgeon Nov. 2/17 Preop Feb 12/18 Surgery Feb 16/18

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