Vitamin K
I was prescribed vitamin k to be taken 3 days before my surgery by my surgeon .Anyone else have to do this .I have no medical issues in this Dept .

Referral July/17 242 lbs Orientation Oct.26/17 Nurse Nov.17/17 Dietitian Dec.4/17 Psychiatrist/Social Worker Dec.4/17 Nurse Jan.9/18 Dietitian Jan.9/18 Psychiatrist Jan.29/18 Dietitian Feb.22/18 224 lbs Start Optifast April 10th 224 lbs Surgery April 24th Guelph General Hospital.
Well, Vitamin K helps the blood to clot and stops excessive bleeding. Not sure why that would be prescribed as we have to take blood thinners right before surgery and then for a period after.
I recall someone else posting a while ago saying they had been prescribed Vitamin K as well.

Referral - May 31/17; Orientation - June 15/17; First Appt Nurse - June 26/17; Bloodwork and ECG - June 27/17; Sleep Study - July 5/17; Dietician Appt - July 10/17; Counsellor Appt - July 10/17; Abdominal Ultrasound - July 10/17: Endoscopy/Colonoscopy - July 25/17; Second Dietician Appt - September 14/17; Internist Appt - October 2/17; Meet the Surgeon - November 21/17; Pre Surgery Nutrition Class - January 12/18; Surgery - January 16/18
The reason I am bringing this up more than 4 months after my surgery is that I found my vial that I was suppose to take and thank god I am okay and nothing happened but I guess I never took it but I do remember having to take some pill form for a few days after the surgery. lol

Referral July/17 242 lbs Orientation Oct.26/17 Nurse Nov.17/17 Dietitian Dec.4/17 Psychiatrist/Social Worker Dec.4/17 Nurse Jan.9/18 Dietitian Jan.9/18 Psychiatrist Jan.29/18 Dietitian Feb.22/18 224 lbs Start Optifast April 10th 224 lbs Surgery April 24th Guelph General Hospital.