SLEEP TEST always needed??
SO .. after reading a bunch of advise from people on this forum about getting tests completed to speed up the process, I went to my doctor and requested a sleep study.
She asked if I was having issues sleeping. I told her I was not but wanted to get it completed for WLS. She would not give me a requisition because she said it was not needed.
I was under the impression that everyone need to complete this test.. am I wrong?
I did not need one. I had to fill out a questionnaire they call the "Stop Bang" I think. They ask you certain questions, if you snore etc.. pertaining to Sleep Apnea and if you say yes to 3 or more questions then you should go for the sleep study. I only had 2 yeses, therefore it was not a requirement.

Referral date: March 20, 2018 Orientation Date: May 30, 2018 Surgery date: October 29, 2018 with Dr Rotstein at St Micheal's in Toronto.
I suspect every centre might have a different protocol. I'm in Kingston, and was told they generally like to have a sleep study that isn't more than 2 years old. However, it's up the head nurse to decide, based on your medical history, BMI, etc.
I had a sleep study done maybe 3 years ago, but they didn't require me to have another (I only have mild apnea that does not require the use of a CPAP).
I would wait and see what your bariatric centre says. If they want you to have one, they'll do the requisition.

Age: 43, Height: 5'8"
Highest Weight: 420; Opti Starting Weight: 395; Surgery Weight: 371;
Current Weight: 322.1; Goal Weight: 160
"Find things beautiful as much as you can, most people find too little beautiful."
-Vincent Van Gogh
Like you...I have read that a sleep test may be needed. My family doctor wanted me to do one so that it does not delay the process for me. I did the sleep study and have mild sleep apnea. The cardiologist said that I can wait to see what the centre says about needing to use a CPAP for surgery...he was confident that with even 20 lost pounds I would not need it.
It's kind of a double edge sword, you don't want it to hold up your progress, but you also don't want to be in my situation waiting to see what the internist says after the fact.
Since your doctor says you don't need it, I wouldn't pu****
Referral May 2018, Humber River (HRRH) Orientation June 2018...Surgery December 2018
Hi Melly,
I have been doing all of my appointments through HDGH and our paperwork says that the sleep test is required for anyone with a BMI near 50 so I did have to have the sleep study done. I did mine in Leamington which was a much shorter wait time than Windsor and ended up finding out I have severe sleep apnea even though I don't generally snore and thought I slept just fine.
My results showed 120 apneas/hour so that's twice every minute.
I'm now on CPAP therapy and have 1-2 apneas/hour. (I now never feel tired at work in the afternoon)
Don't be too worried if you do end up having to go for the testing... it's really not a big deal other than some time out of your schedule.
Best of luck!