Take your time; Rome wasn't built in a day.

on 7/15/18 5:48 am
RNY on 01/11/12

So, have you reached your goal weight yet? Are you well into your successful maintenance period? Of course, you've resolved all of your emotional issues and are now a phenomenally healthy model of happy, successful living, right? Well, don't despair; as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Nothing worth accomplishing can be achieved overnight. If it could, it wouldn't be much of an accomplishment, right? Patience is a difficult virtue to cultivate, especially in this fast-paced society that extols overnight success. Even a year or more after your surgery, you may not be exactly where you want to be. But that's okay. Your life is not meant to be rushed. It's a slowly-unfolding story. Savor it and know that you are doing your best to make sure that the next chapter holds even more promise. Reflect on all that you have accomplished so far, both the momentous and the "small." Meditate on what your next chapter will hold.

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