Just wondering if any of you use this as a form of exercise? I have fibro and need to do something low impact and easy on the joints. Do you get a good workout from this? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Ref to Sudbury July 4/17 Sleep study July 29/17 Orientation Sept 13/17 1on1's Feb 2/18 OTN Feb 27/18 Pre op Mar 13/18 Surgery Mar 22/18 St. Michael's w Dr. Grantcharov Opti-10lb M1=-24lbs M2=-11.5 M3=-7.5 M4=-8 M5=-9 M6=-8.5 M7=-6.5 M8=-8 M9=-5 M10=5.5 M11=-2.5 M12=-5 M13=-4
It was my first exercise once I was approved to exercise. I still did it almost every weekday and that is over 3 years post-op. There are other exercises that I do several times a week (yoga, gym workouts) but swimming has really helped with endurance, strength and flexibility.
CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.
Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.
I loved doing aquacise used to go every day when I wasn't working, I had severe arthritis and couldn't do anything else, this was before surgery, but I'd do it again f I could, I'm not getting enough exercise but am having a really hard time fitting it in.

57 - 6'0" - HW:288 SW:260 CW:185
TWH: Referral Aug. '16, Orientation - Nov. 30 '16, Surgeon Oct. 6 '17, Start Optifast Feb. 5'18 - Surgery Feb. 26'18
Opti -25; M1 -23; M2 -17; M3 -7; M4 -5; M5 -5; M6 -6; M7 -0; M8 -2; M9 -0; M10 -2; M11-0; M12-4;
I love aquafit as a form of exercise - I found it really fun to bounce around to music and it was easy for me to move in the pool without too much impact on my joints. I always get a good workout -the water offers 12 times the resistance! Use pool noodles as weights to help with even more resistance to up the workout