Update and WoW -- What a change of Fortunes

Wayne H.
on 4/27/18 10:29 am
RNY on 02/08/17

Let's see now.

Weird start to 2018 for those that follow me.

Wife asked for Separation mid March, I took it hard at first but realized I am also to blame for the breakdown. Was down and out but then.....

4 Women came out of the woodwork.. LOL

I am now dating a lovely Lady 1 yr my Senior I met on an online dating service.

She is my equal in all regards.... Ex Who? hehe.. Just kidding, we're still Friends.

Just wish I had more time before meeting this one but that's ok.... She is cool to taking baby steps with me.

I am down now to 264Lbs as of this morning. All healthy and "TO PLAN" eating and lifestyle.

That is down 24Lbs after a 6 month stall after hearing those magic words "I want a separation".

I live in the gym when not busy at home. So if I'm about to turn on the TV.. I think "Self...Really?...Let's go to the gym" and I'm off.

I am now only 34 Lbs from goal weight of 230.

I honestly feel like I can do anything now!!!

See you Monday for the Ottawa meet up Girls!!! Boy am I gonna get the 3rd degree. LOL

Cheers all

Bottom line and underlying message here. Do this for you and nobody else. It just keeps getting better!!

Oh ya... I almost forgot, My skin condition is all cleared up, I am scheduled for Plastic Surgery on May 8th. After I reach goal, Dr will go back and fix up my thighs and mentioned we'll chat about the Tummy Tuck and my Boobs. WOO HOO... What the hell happened here? The stars have aligned for this old bugger and I couldn't be happier after feeling like I was worthless not long ago.

on 4/27/18 11:15 am
RNY on 03/07/17

WOW Wayne!! You aren't letting any moss grow on you. This is fantastic news - so proud of you for taking a bad situation and turning it around. You are my hero! I couldn't be happier for you and so nice to hear that things are working out so great for you.

Yes, you will get grilled Monday night - we want details ;)

Wayne H.
on 4/27/18 11:27 am
RNY on 02/08/17

I had two choices...

Sit around and mope or .. deal with the fact my wife of 27 Years no longer was interested in me and therefor I decided to accept it, got the crying over with and then moved on.

Choice #2 was the obvious move to make and boy, as I said, That is when good things started happening for me.

No problem, I'm an open book and you girls know me now :-)

on 4/27/18 2:36 pm

Way to go Wayne! I'm happy you've landed on your feet. And that you continue to improve your health.

Referred January 7/17, Orientation Humber May 28/17, Meet Dr. August 4/17, TRIO November 3/17, Internist November 21/17, Surgeon again December 21/17, Pre-op assessment January 4/18 and Surgery January 12/18.

on 4/27/18 7:46 pm

Good to see you back posting Wayne. Spending time in the gym is great. It looks like things are really coming together.

CENTURY CLUB MEMBER at 6 months post-op.

Referral to Guelph Feb/13, Sleep study and all bloodwork and ultrasound May/13, orientation July/13. Nurse, NUT,SW Sept/13, 2nd NUT, nurse and SW, 3rd round and cleared for surgery Dec/13. Pre-op Apr 7/14, Surgeon May 2/14, Opti Jul 3/14, surgery Jul 17/14.

on 4/28/18 6:00 pm
RNY on 09/01/17

That's so great, Wayne!! And you're so right... we have to do this for ourselves and the rest falls into place.

You got this. You're so inspiring!! And I'm so happy for you about all your health issues resolving and your upcoming plastics. I'm honestly smiling as I type this!! Yay you. :)

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Choose happy.

Opti -10 / M1 -25.5 / M2 -10 / M3 -14.5 / M4 -13 / M5 -10 / M6 -5.5 / M7 -9.5 / M8 -13.5 / M9 -0.5 / M10 -2.5 / M11 -2.5 / M12 +2 / M13 -5.5

Century Club and Onederland in month 7!!

Wayne H.
on 4/28/18 6:09 pm
RNY on 02/08/17

Thank you so much. I appreciate your support!!

on 4/29/18 1:13 am

Sorry to hear about you and your wife. However it sounds like your coping, and moving on which is a good thing.

Good for you for losing more weight, and keep on striving to reach your goal.

Sounds like your getting your act together after a rough start to the new year. Good for you...I need to take a page from you lol

Keep up the great work and great attitude!

Orientation April 2016 - Final approvals December 2016. Surgical Class January 23, 2017. Met with Dr. Reed February 7, 2017. Opti start date March 1, 2017. Surgery March 15, 2017 (Dr. Foute-Nelong).

HW 348 SW 316 CW 191

GW 160

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