
on 4/27/18 11:45 am

I never forget to eat (man I wish I did hahaha) I think I might try the babybels and pepperrettes and see how that works for me :)

I can't tell you how happy I am to get to still eat cheese, it's always been my favourite!

Citizen Kim
on 4/27/18 10:36 am - Castle Rock, CO

I wouldn't eat the lite or low fat versions of food. Fat and dense protein help with satiety a lot.

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 4/27/18 11:50 am

I'm so glad you raised this point Kim!

I have been really confused by this - I had expected to follow something akin to keto - high protein and relatively high fat. I asked my centre about it and I was told that full fat products would lead to dumping. I've only truly dumped once (when I tried a protein bar...also recommended by my centre) but I'm terrified of doing anything that might cause it again.

It seems like the advice from my centre is the opposite of the advice from all the successful people on this site. So confused!

Citizen Kim
on 4/27/18 2:49 pm - Castle Rock, CO

I know I still don't absorb fat 100 per cent because I can see it in the toilet, (sorry for the visual lol) but I've never dumped on fat, only on sugar which is as horrible as day one and white carbs (pasta, rice, bread etc) put me into a coma for 20 mins or so.

I'm not fully keto because I keep my carbs 30 to 50g per day, but I definitely eat everything full fat and it works for me.

I hope you are able to find what works for you so you are able to lose your excess weight without too much hunger

Proud Feminist, Atheist, LGBT friend, and Democratic Socialist

on 4/27/18 3:18 pm

Thanks very much! I would definitely prefer to eat things that haven't been processed to make them low fat - I'm going to try out some proper cheese and see how it goes (omg I dream of brie)

on 4/27/18 2:34 pm, edited 4/27/18 7:36 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On April 26, 2018 at 5:34 PM Pacific Time, Swiggum wrote:

Hi guys,

I am almost 3 months out now and I've started noticing that I'm feeling hungry a lot...quite often when I've just finished or just about to finish a meal.

I wasn't expecting this so soon, so I'm trying to figure out if I'm not eating enough or if it's just part of the healing process. I am getting 70-90 grams of protein, all water and vits and my calories are usually around 800...though one day I was starving and ended up having 1100!

What do you lovely people think? Does this sound familiar to anyone?

are you getting 64+ oz of no cal fluid every day? Dehydration mimics hunger. If you are getting that much consistently then I would increase it.

If you are feeling hunger BEFORE you even finish eating, then that is not true hunger. You can?t be hungry while your pouch/ sleeve is full unless it is acid or the sugary fruit etc is triggering it.




on 4/27/18 3:20 pm

That is a fantastic point and I'm a bit embarrassed that I didn't think of that! I've been watching carefully the last few days and it never happens between meals, it's always when my pouch would be full. I wonder if my PPI isn't absorbing and the gerd is coming back. Thank you for pointing this out...kind of a duh moment for me!

on 4/27/18 3:06 pm - WI

You've gotten a lot of great advice. I just wanted to add that your new stomach is going to rumble and grumble and make lots of obnoxious noise. Don't mistake that for hunger. It's not.

Sometimes my stomach makes the most noise after I eat oroeven during a meal. When you say that you feel hunger immediately after eating, it makes me think that you might be mistaking a rumbling stomach for hunger pangs.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 4/27/18 3:22 pm

Thanks, I will watch for that! I'm definitely still getting used to the whale song coming from my belly!

on 4/27/18 3:15 pm

You guys are the best! I would be absolutely lost without this forum, thank you all for your advice!

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